How to fridge mealworms


New Member
Ok i search on the search thing and nothing came up i wanna know if u put them in the fridge with no food, no bedding and when u get them out what u do (im gonna breed mine so idk if i have to gutload them :main_huh:


Quality is Everything
Corona, CA
I keep them in snake bags and lightly crumpled newspaper in the fridge. Keeping some form of bedding or means to not just be stacked on each other will reduce dead loss. No food is needed because they will go into a semi unconscious state. The whole point of putting them into the fridge is to prevent/slow down pupating. When I take mine out of the fridge I will let them warm up for an hour, offer them a variety of foods/water (same you would offer to a non refrigerated colony) for a few hours, then feed them off. Another reason I let them warm up and become active is because you can remove dead loss easier.


New Member
I keep them in snake bags and lightly crumpled newspaper in the fridge. Keeping some form of bedding or means to not just be stacked on each other will reduce dead loss. No food is needed because they will go into a semi unconscious state. The whole point of putting them into the fridge is to prevent/slow down pupating. When I take mine out of the fridge I will let them warm up for an hour, offer them a variety of foods/water (same you would offer to a non refrigerated colony) for a few hours, then feed them off. Another reason I let them warm up and become active is because you can remove dead loss easier.

Can i put them in ziplocks?

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