How to get more geckos?


James Skar
Brookfield, CT 06804
So I figure I wouldn't be alone and I'd ask. I have one female leopard gecko and would like to get another one. Reason being I can switch off every other day on which one I would handle.

How do I convince my fiancé to let me get a second one? Ingot lucky she let me get one. She doesn't like reptiles but they will be in the basement which is my man cave.

Love to hear your thoughts or how you got your other half to sign off on multiple Geckos.


New Member
Just tell her your getting another Man Cave Gecko because the one is really lonely on her own :( OR other option is just get another one and put it in there and just wait til she notices :) OR Tell her they make you happy and you would enjoy 2 way more than one! :)


James Skar
Brookfield, CT 06804
I like getting one without her knowing until she sees it. haha. Better to ask for Forgiveness than permission sometimes, but then my angel on my shoulder says she's gonna be pissed!

I was gonna run this one by you... get a baby, super small, and say my gecko had a baby! and that I didn't know how to break it to her so I just raised it.


New Member
Travis just opened a door to get more than 2 leo's lol...

To be honest if your engaged, just buy the darn thing no matter what, if its meant to be, she shouldnt care if you have 2 little critters in the basement- making you happy is part of the game right?. Being engaged puts that trust issue into play a little tho, might not want to lie about it, little angel on your shoulder may spill the beans anyways... lol I like your ask for forgiveness rather than permission tho. If she loves ya she'll get over it quickly... :)


New Member
Ontario, Canada
lol I like your ask for forgiveness rather than permission tho. If she loves ya she'll get over it quickly... :)

lol yeah, speaking as the only woman in this conversation so far, I wouldn't go the lying route. But I do like Travis' idea. It's what my boyfriend did for me! I was very iffy about reptiles. He bought his first, Rhaegal, as a baby and from the first time I held her it was love. I have more leos than him right now! And I'm pretty sure I have more lizards on my wishlist than him too! I'd try Travis' idea. Don't even use the lying one as a back up though. :p


Northern California
I agree with Travis. But, if she really doesn't like them then there is probably no way to change her mind. Many people dislike or even passionately hate reptiles. Your man cave, your geckos. Just tell her you have been thinking about getting another. Then get one.


New Member
St. Louis
I have to veto the lying route. Not just because I'm a woman either. Just don't want to get started going down that route. Speaking as a married woman I say shoot for a compromise. Might as well get started now. Haha Travis had a good idea with letting her help pick out a "pretty" one. Maybe if you introduced her to your current leo? That might also help along with Travis's idea. Personally, if I really hated something but my husband had a "man cave"/space for it, so long as it stayed in there and the hobby didn't take over the rest of the house, I'd be ok with it. My husband has things I just can't stand to deal with. But I know he deals with my horses and various other things that he isn't to Wooooo!! about. Haha Its all give and take.


New Member
Be a grown man and do what you want. My wife said no snakes so I went to my garage, built a 6ft x3x3 enclosure (Looks amazing, like a piece of furnature) in my off time and covered it. Went out and bought a ball python and put it in the corner of the living room. Waited till she went to work and when she came home (was in a swivle chair.) Turned the chair and said. "we have been expecting you" The look on her face was priceless.


James Skar
Brookfield, CT 06804
I don't think doing what I want and not talking to her makes me more of a man. I like everyone's answer so far. Thank you ladies for your views as well.

I knew this topic would get people interested in helping me. Lying isn't an option. She didn't talk to me for a few days because I brought home a rescue but the saving grace was she has a soft heart for saving animals.

Thank you all.


New Member
let us know how it goes lol Ill be curious to hear how it turned out for you! I had 3 years of marriage before I was able to talk my wife into getting a leo, now we're over 30 that will be ready to breed this year.... Gentle guidance worked for me :) well and leo's being so cool and cute helped too...


James Skar
Brookfield, CT 06804
I just asked what she thought about getting another Leo and said she could pick it out. She looked at a few morphs and like the sunglow and a few others. She like colors like red and yellow and orange.

She said she wants to think about it and that it might be too soon since I've only had Annie for 2 weeks. Wants to make sure I can handle one before getting another. She doesn't understand why we need another an why one isn't good enough but she didn't say NO so there is hope.

Note: This is te first time she called my Leopard Gecko by her name. She didn't say IT or lizard or your pet she said "Annie".


James Skar
Brookfield, CT 06804
I'm hoping she picks Tremper Sunglow or Hypo Tangerine. Those two morphs have grown on me a lot within 2 weeks. Great looking morphs. Maybe a Sunglow raptor or Super Sunglow but I think the super would be too big for her liking.


Active Member
Marietta, Ga
If you honestly have to ask your wife about getting a second leo then i would not test her trust. I honestly would never think twice about buying more geckos. I support my life style and i make sure plenty of my finances are towards my girlfriend so she does not feel i care about the geckos more than her. I honestly love her way more than the geckos. But I am my own man who works my butt off to make my own money so i will be darned if I am going to ask permission to spend the money I earned on the hobby that makes me happy.


James Skar
Brookfield, CT 06804
I understand where you are coming from. If she was my girlfriend I'd get what I want but now that we are going to be married we both feel any big purchases or any animals should be talked about.

I love my fiancé and she's pretty mature and fair. She makes valid points and just because I want something doesn't mean I can't wait a few months. She seems open to the idea of another gecko.

I could get get it but then I feel like that would be a slap in the face to her. I can here her now " why did we talk about it if you were gonna do what you wanted anyways?" I respect her enough to say I will wait until she's on board.


New Member
Wait till you have to ask her if you could start breeding roaches. LOL.. I'm not telling mine yet. The roach bin is hidden in a closet. But we don't live together so maybe he will never find out!


New Member
The key to any relationship is compromise and honesty. Just be honest with her and you cant go wrong. A few romantic gestures never hurts either.


New Member
Ontario, Canada
So far my boyfriend and I only have leos. We've had Turners before but they were wild caught and got sick shortly after we got them. But he wants ball pythons, scorpians, a savannah monitor, the list goes on! It's all about compromise! I've agreed to him having them all so long as he waits till we have a room dedicated to those animals. But it sounds like your situation is promising! Good luck!

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