hi im wondering how to make those pics that are the geckos wit all white backrounds. like the ones on all the big gecko supliers websites. if you know please tell me. thanks!
1, photo box. I use a cardboard box with a white sheet pulled around it tightly, no wrinkles allowed. and 2, great lighting. Also should be mentioned is a semi-decent camera, though, if your good then you can work wonders with even a point and shoot.
remember that different color back grounds will off set your animals color as well. Youll notice that many breeders will try different BGs with their more subtle colored animals like Bloods and electrics.
I used grey spotted when i was first learning the works
And then a plant bin i set up
Im still working out the kinks in my white box though, need new lights.
Many of the big time breeders will also use a special photo box, im sure youll get a link on how to make one
You can also buy light boxes at photography stores. As previously mentioned, a nice camera really helps. However, with some practice, you can make a point and shoot look REALLY good.
meh, price and quality are not complete indicators of eachother. I have a $140 point and shoot right now, 14mp with macro. id take it over a $300 slr any day. Its also a Cannon.
Today I made a simple light box thing with three pieces of foam core and a few pieces of white paper i had left over from a project. I just used the foam core to make a corner, glued them together, and made the white paper into rounded edges. Then i put a lamp by it and got some pretty decent pics. Definitely nothing too perfect, but you can look at my album and see some of the shots I took today! I have a really crappy camera too haha
meh, price and quality are not complete indicators of eachother. I have a $140 point and shoot right now, 14mp with macro. id take it over a $300 slr any day. Its also a Cannon.
Megapixels are not quality indicators in photography either. Sensor technology and size along with quality of the lenses are.
You can't really compare a point and shoot compact camera to a professional or semi-pro SLR. Entirely different worlds, quality and uses...
very nice pics, only suggestion would be not to get where the to pieces of paper meet cause it creates a shadow line down the middle of the picture other than that very nice for a first try and very beautiful geckos!