Humid Hide


New Member
I've had 2 of my Leopard gecko's for over 4 years and have only put humid hides in when they are about to shed. I haven't had any shedding issues doing it this way. I remove the hides after the shed is complete. Is there any benefits in keeping one in there all the time? I do daily tank misting if humidity is low. I started doing this after one ate the sphagnum moss and became severely impacted. Almost lost her
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Staff member
Somerville, MA
Some keepers recommend putting a balled up moist paper towel in the enclosure only when the gecko is shedding. My geckos do have access to a humid hide all the time and they don't necessarily use it when they shed. It's OK to do it that way, but be aware of 2 things: first, some geckos shed before you know it's happened so there isn't time to put in the humid hide. Second, some geckos like hanging out in the humid hide at other times.



New Member
Some keepers recommend putting a balled up moist paper towel in the enclosure only when the gecko is shedding. My geckos do have access to a humid hide all the time and they don't necessarily use it when they shed. It's OK to do it that way, but be aware of 2 things: first, some geckos shed before you know it's happened so there isn't time to put in the humid hide. Second, some geckos like hanging out in the humid hide at other times.

Thank you so much for the replies on both threads. Much appreciated! I did get the little guy! I almost forgot how jumpy and scared they are as babies lol. Probably the smallest one I've had

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