I can't believe how people are so quick to judge us

Winter Garden FL.
I found a link for a video shot at a orlando show I went to in Oct. this year. Well after watching the video I scrolled down and started reading the comments. These people ( our friends and neighbors) are saying to ban reptiles and that reptile keepers are carless. WOW.. What a real smack in the face. I aggreed with some of the comments about watching for impose buyers but for the most part these people know nothing about reptiles or there keepers but feel they need to judge us and ban our pets. I started getting mad and stopped reading after the first page. I just thought I would share with you all what is said about our pets..

Email: [email protected]


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
Wow, I guess all of the anti-reptile people found their way to that article!! I never realized there were so many people against reptiles in the home, they all sound very ignorant and act like we're keeping deadly wild-caught species. They don't seem to realize that many reptiles have been captive bred for many years; thus they are more tame and aren't hurting the actual population of the wild species. Reptiles haven't been able to be imported from Australia for awhile now, all Bearded Dragons in the US have been captive bred and born in the US. It's so annoying how ignorant people can be, and how quick they are to judge. That's just life though, there's always someone out there who doesn't understand something, and is afraid to try; so they make nasty judgments or remarks about others.


caffeine zombie
impulse buyers really seem to give the reptile trade a bad name. the pet store where i work just happens to be right off a drop off/ pick up point for tour buses that go to NYC, where there are reptile shows. people always come back with a armful of animals they know nothing about and aren't prepared to keep.

it boggles my mind that people would buy an animal they don't know anything about. back in september a couple came in with 4 baby green iguanas and wanted to know what they eat, what size cage to get and anything else they needed. they were not pleased to know we didn't have a tank that would be able to hold 4 adult 6ft+ iguanas. when the realized they couldn't afford these animals they started asking us to take them.

the impulse buyers are the ones who release unwanted pets in the wild and/or leave them to die. no loving pet owner would do such a thing.

most reptiles available in this country are captive bred, not taken from the wild. i'm always annoyed by the HSUS making it sound like most, if not all reptiles are wild caught. sure, some are but most people want CB because they tend to be healthier and easier to handle.

when i look at my captive bred leo and think about what he'd look like if he lived in the wild it's not a pretty picture. i don't know their life expectancy in the wild but from the pictures i've seen wild caught geckos are thinner, beat up looking and tend to have parasites. my gecko seems quite content to be fat, lazy and hand-fed for the rest of his days.


New Member
Argh that article alone is annoying.. still with the same salmonella excuse, malnutrition and improper care. Of course i would like to ask those people that contributed to that statistic if they did any research? Did they take the commitment seriously? Did they even care? I bet the answer would be NO! but because they choose to be ignorant we all have to be labeled negatively. Before they think about restricting the laws on reptiles why don't they ban being able to have tigers, monkeys and alligators in your backyard which I think are legal in many states. I think those animals cause a BIGGER threat then a little lizard! But I think they should stop making the accessibility of reptiles so easy. i go to China Town here in NYC can can pick up 4 RES for $20! Walk into any pet store that carries reptiles and as long as you have the money you can buy whatever you want even though you might not know what it is and its not like many of the employees will help you either. To stop this madness we need those people to educate themselfs and for others to stop giving out the wrong information.

grrr.. I bet all those posters would love us to send out CAPTIVE BRED animals back to the wild because that's where they belong. I say don't knock it until you try it. I could look at them like they had four heads because they had a salt water fish because they belong in the ocean!!! I bet they wouldn't like that either.


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
Our local news did a huge story a few months ago telling parents NOT to let their children have "exotic" pets because they would certainly get Salmonella poisoning. They focused mainly on reptiles (the examples they showed were mostly captive bred). I say tell parents not to let their kids eat out at restaurants, eat chicken, or lick turtles pulled out of ponds and they'll be ok. I don't know why they try to cause mass hysteria over reptiles. :main_rolleyes:

It's really the monkeys they should be worried about...their much smarter! :main_evilgrin: JK


Dublin, CA
Regulation and Education

The Humane Society US has a very radical view with regard to banning reptiles as pets. I am strongly opposed to a ban, but some level of regulation is definitely in order for the welfare of these animals. I know it would be difficult to enforce laws on private owners. One gentleman in the interview mentioned it could spawn an underground trade. However, we don't even have strict enough laws on those large chain pet stores we like to rant about. Although, the HSUS's viewpoint makes me upset, I believe sometimes it takes a radical position for small changes to happen.


Excellent Geckos
in my thoughts
WOW they cant find nothing else to talk about that they need to go out and bash the reptile community. I think most people have responded to this in a negative way because they go out and see how they are kept at the big chain pet stores and assume they are all like that.


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
Wow... It always amazes me the most ignorant are the ones most needing to be heard. It was good to see some of the replies were from people supporting reptile ownership, even if they didn't have one of their own.

So with reptiles quickly becoming "Man's New Best Friend," what do you all think the possible outcome will be with the HSUS making such presumptuous and non-factual statements?
Do you think we are really could be heading into a national ban?


caffeine zombie
Our local news did a huge story a few months ago telling parents NOT to let their children have "exotic" pets because they would certainly get Salmonella poisoning. They focused mainly on reptiles (the examples they showed were mostly captive bred). I say tell parents not to let their kids eat out at restaurants, eat chicken, or lick turtles pulled out of ponds and they'll be ok. I don't know why they try to cause mass hysteria over reptiles. :main_rolleyes:

It's really the monkeys they should be worried about...their much smarter! :main_evilgrin: JK
oh god yes, i agree about the monkeys! my friend's aunt had a baby monkey... which was fine as a baby. then it grew up and wasn't so cute! the damn thing chased her with a knife and bit off one of her fingers.


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
Do you think we are really could be heading into a national ban?

Wow... Flu or not, I really need to lay off the cold medicine. I swear, I reread that a dozen times and it made sense.:main_rolleyes:

I meant; Do you think we really could be heading towards a national ban?
Winter Garden FL.
I'm afraid so. There will be a ban on certain reptiles in the nest few years. And once they ban one species they will keep adding to the list until no reptiles will permitted in care of citzens. Look at the big war that went on early this year (April). Luckly we the communtiy was able to fight back and stop them. But from what I'm hearing they are already getting another ban together. At the momnet they are attacking the big reptiles and hot and imports. But little snakes,turltes,lizards and frogs will be next. But thats not the worse part. Alot of people will go underground with there collection which will be terrible for the animals. You want be able to go to the vet with a sick animal anymore nor will you be able to have discussions in a chat or forum to ask for help. And those who get caught will be treated like a drug dealer or worse. I brought this to the forum for a reason. I am trying to bring awarness to what our neighbors,friends and goverment feel about keeping reptiles. And the more everyone helps to spread the word that these animals are just as friendly and caring as a dog or cat the better our chances are to have reptiles in our homes 20 years from now. I have posted this on a few forums and asking everyone to help non reptile people understand why we keep these animals and that there no more of a concern then a cat or dog.

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Unfortunately, it's the irresponsible and careless reptile keeps that make it hard on the rest of us that are responsible and conscientious. It's the peole that buy cute little green iguanas without realizing how big they get. and those who don't know what to do with their 14 ft. burms so they turn them loose in the Everglades, that give the rest of us bad reputations.

It is our responsibility to educate the ignorant general public about keeping reptiles, and to set good examples. We already have so much legislation, and certainly don't need more!


caffeine zombie
That's pretty messed up!!!!
unfortunately all too common with monkeys though. as adults they tend to get violent, especially the males.

feral cat populations probably pose more of a threat to native animal populations and humans and there are more unwanted cats than anything in this country. people say reptile owners need to be more responsible and do research? all pet owners need to do these things. i'd like to see laws forcing pet owners to spay and neuter. i am so sick of finding starving and abused kittens! good luck finding shelters to take them too. the last time i found a pregnant cat i couldn't find a single shelter with in 20 miles from my house to take her and that was a lot of shelters, many specifically for cats only.


caffeine zombie
lol kimono? does it smother you in your sleep with silk fabric?

as for komodo dragons, i have often wanted one for the express purpose of eating my neighbors. i always wind up living next to sucky people. :D


Lake Effect Leos
Traverse City, MI
Unfortunately, ignorant people are beginning to try and enforce their beliefs upon every aspect of pet ownership. Mostly targeting breeders. I can't tell you how many proposals I have looked over with fellow Great Dane breeders that just had my jaw to the floor. The truth is, all of these 'do-gooders' want to erradicate puppy mills, salmonella poisoning, and the introduction of non-native species into the ecosystem that they are eventually going to make it illegal to have any pets. These laws and regulations end up impacting the ethical, good breeders/hobbyists the most. A lot the 'bad' for profit-only, unethical breeders will just continue illegally. Obviously, ethics are of no concern for these people to start with.....

Just my 2 cents.......rant over. ;)


I doubt there would be a national ban. These things seem to be handled by state more so then national.


Sonoran desert
So many people, with small minds.
How easy they are to lead, like sheep. :main_rolleyes:

I second
This story and everything I saw on my short 10 minute visit on that sight is a bunch of propaganda.. People need to slow down and open there eyes to whats really real

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