I can't believe how people are so quick to judge us


i heard pet reptiles are the fourth leading cause of the current economic troubles.

i'm not even bothering to see what moronic "facts" people are manufacturing about this urgent and pressing situation threatening our children and natural resources. i would hate to see released/escaped pet reptiles decimate the countryside. where would people dispose of their litter with those evil reptiles all over the place?


New Member
i heard pet reptiles are the fourth leading cause of the current economic troubles.

i'm not even bothering to see what moronic "facts" people are manufacturing about this urgent and pressing situation threatening our children and natural resources. i would hate to see released/escaped pet reptiles decimate the countryside. where would people dispose of their litter with those evil reptiles all over the place?

Great idea for a low budget horror film :D

Mutant pet reptiles take over mid-west town, residents trapped!!

Thats better than those stories about flushed pet aligators turning into
sewer monsters!! and we ALL know how true that is!! ;)


New Member
Oregon, USA
This is fairly irritating... I think it's obviously clear that a lot of the people who posted negative comments don't have much experience with reptiles at all. This is a perfect example of why we really need to reach out and educate the public about reptiles and their proper care.


Owning any animal teaches you about that animal. The more you love them the more you learn. Knowledge is key. The more people who know about these animals, and care about them, the more they want to save them. The more people who want to save them, the more people who actually go out and save them. The more people who go out and save them, the more the population goes up in the wild.

Plain and simple, no matter what animal you have the person who neglects them. The reason why a lot of people are against reptiles, is because a lot of people are uneducated. They're also the same people who believe that anyone was dumb enough to actually think the world was flat. Dogs and cats are the main household pet, they're easy to take care of. Yet some idiots, probably the same ones against people owning reptiles. Don't take care of the dog or cat they have.

Reptiles have not been domesticated anywhere near as long as a dog or a cat. And yet we are making a bigger breakthrough then most. We care enough to take care of our little creatures, that we love so much. No matter the costs sometimes, and no matter the crap we have to put up with, and no matter the time consuming tasks. Anyways i ranted enough.


i swear i i hea one more person think that i'm cruel for keeping my one pet gecko i'll punch them in the face it' reall pissing me off !!!!!

phew that felt good to get ride of :D

Gregg M

Registered Member
The Rotten Apple NYC
Wow, I guess all of the anti-reptile people found their way to that article!! I never realized there were so many people against reptiles in the home, they all sound very ignorant and act like we're keeping deadly wild-caught species.
Hey!!! Whats wrong with deadly wild-caught species??? LOL... Some of us are keeping deadly wild-caught reptiles...


Hmph. Okay, it's true some reptile owners are irresponsible, but I bet that there are FAR more neglected and abused dogs and cats than flushed gators or wild animals in cages. Any pet owner has the potential to be irresponsible. People fight dogs - should we ban dogs, then? I'll admit, my gecko was an impulse buy, but I wasn't stupid about it. I brought my friend (who is an experienced leo owner) and a lot of money to the convention and she told me exactly what I would need to get in order for my leo to be happy and healthy. I made sure to not leave the convention until I had everthing she needed, and after I got home I researched leos extensively to make sure I wasn't making any potentially fatal mistakes. I'm not sure what the motives of the anti-reptile people are, why they would want a ban. They're probably just scared of scaly things. :D


New Member
Nah, you weren't an impulse buyer, you wanted one for months. Impulse buyers are like "Hmmm....what's this...no idea what it is or how to take care of it but it looks cool so I'll get it!"

Anti-reptile people are uneducated...just simply uneducated. My grandmother unfortunately is one of these nasty people. She chewed me out over Christmas because according to her "all reptiles are wild caught and it's cruel to keep them in captivity". I quickly informed her that my geckos would not even survive in the wild, that they were captive born along with most reptile pets, that people prefer captive born animals for pets because they're easier to handle, and that what's truly cruel is the morons releasing their pets into the wild. She didn't know what to say back to me, she just had the grumpy stuck up old lady look of defeat.


*tries to visualize the grumpy stuck up old lady look of defeat*

Teehee. I'm assuming this is the mean grandma. That's so weird. Who does she think you are, the Crocodile Hunter? Did you fly to Pakistan and snatch up some native geckos? Or did you buy them off the Black Market? *gasp* Liz, tsk tsk!

Haha, I can't imagine Sappho in the wild. She'd stare at like a coyote and expect it to hand-feed her. Sappho needs captivity, she wouldn't know what to do with herself if she had to go search for her own food. Sometimes she's too lazy to even take the walk to the bowl.


You know what I think would be a good idea...

Everyone who wants to buy an animal, impulsively or not should have to fill out a form, or answer questions right there on the spot about what the animal needs, as in care, how big it's going to get, etc...

At our local chain pet store...I could walk in and go buy a basilisk lizard, or an iguana, or water dragon, or a python that's going to get 10-20 feet long and no one would ask if I know what I'm doing, they'd ask, which one do you want?

I really believe that if questions were asked to the buyer about the actual animal, too see if they know anything would help control all these impulse buys. They would go out and research, come back and show the people they know how to take care of them, and know how big, or small the animal will be.


is behind you.
Prince George, BC
The one chain store where I got Tiamat made me fill out a lengthy set of papers. They asked me all kinds of questions such as "have I done my research on the animal in question?; would I be willing to take the animal to a vet or otherwise give it back to the place where I bought it or the SPCA if I were unable to care for it?". I don't agree with everything this chain store does (they have open bins for people to handle their rodents, rabbits, and birds), but I applaud them for making sure I'm going to take good care of my new pet.

It's funny how some people find that annoying. I had a couple come into my pet store where I work and they said they didn't want to buy a reptile from this particular chain store "because they asked too many questions". :\ Thankfully they weren't interested in buying anything from me that day because based on that I probably would have hesitated to sell them anything living.

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