I can't believe she's doing it again


Staff member
Somerville, MA
My little Mack snow, first timer, in with my big Tremper male, is once again in the lay box, digging her hole, squirming around. She does this every 2 weeks. The only problem is that she doesn't seem to be gravid and nothing ever comes out!! She goes through the same routine every time: goes off her feed, moves around like she's uncomfortable and then "lays" (nothing) in the lay box. I guess she's got a great imagination.



Staff member
Somerville, MA
I am sure that she's not gravid. She was ovulating, as was the other female in the enclosure and I have seen the male, who is proven, mating with each, but so far nothing has happened. The other female is in her fifth season breeding, and she may be "done"; the false pregnancy gecko is a little on the small side, a bit below 50 grams and I introduced her because she was ovulating and had stopped eating because of that. I am absolutely sure that she is not gravid nor egg bound. I just wish she'd either "put up or shut up" if you know what I mean.



New Member
if you can find the reason for this perhaps you can find the reason why I have a female who is doing something similar. I have had her for 2 years and she was sold to me as a proven female who had laid nearly 20eggs in her first year with her breeder. I have paired her up with multiple proven males over the last 2 years and she goes through all the signs of being gravid and digs up her nest box..but nothing..once in a while she has passed a milky white substance which I'm assuming is an unformed egg. Every other adult female I have bred but 1 has produced..the one that hasn't did become egg bound but is doing just fine and will not be bred again until probably next year even though this happened in November.
Diet: cal. dusted crickets, dusted dubias, dusted meal worms, dusted super worms, dish of clean water, dish of calcium with D3.

and if no answer is found, at least I know I'm not the only one with an odd female leopard gecko..:D



New Member
Oregon, IL
I have a female who's doing something similar as well. She was 60 grams and ovulating when I put her in with the male. All the other females he's been with are clearly developing eggs and some have laid already. But she never started developing them. Every couple weeks she'll start digging like mad, though. I never saw her go as far as actually trying to lay the phantom eggs, though.

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