I got a new Leo today


New Member
I haven't seen her drink any water yet, she came out again today looked at me and went right back in the hide. The only time she actually comes out and doesn't run from me is when I feed her crickets. She keeps her eye on me tho while she's on the hunt lol.

She ate 6 yesterday and only 2 today. She poed today when I was at the pet store buying 100 crickets for her, I came home she saw me and ran back inside. I have a feeling it's gonna take her awhile to get a feel for her new home.

I want to get a good pic of her but she's not ready yet, she's only been here 2 days but at least she is eating. I'm happy about that.


New Member
I never knew how fast a small Leo was until now, they are lightning quick. She can make it all the way across that 20gallon long in no time.


Going in the wrong direction

I haven't seen her drink any water yet, she came out again today looked at me and went right back in the hide. The only time she actually comes out and doesn't run from me is when I feed her crickets. She keeps her eye on me tho while she's on the hunt lol.

She ate 6 yesterday and only 2 today. She poed today when I was at the pet store buying 100 crickets for her, I came home she saw me and ran back inside. I have a feeling it's gonna take her awhile to get a feel for her new home.

I want to get a good pic of her but she's not ready yet, she's only been here 2 days but at least she is eating. I'm happy about that.

Going to say it as it is.
You are really going in the wrong direction.
Your gecko knows her home already....
They are curious enough to look it all over
right away. To make sure of any threats.
Right now you are her threat.
That's because you won't introduce
yourself. You are not letting her smell who
you are. She won't stress and die from
smelling your hand daily.
She won't not like you, if she tastes water
on your knuckle.
She will realize food comes from you,
once she knows your hand supplies it.
She will be an adult still not sure
about you, if you avoid her.
Your gecko is like your child.....
avoid contact, and she will not know you either.
Take care. HJ



New Member
I met a guy who has a female raptor that was ovulating and he needed a male so I sold him for $50 he was low on cash and expected a higher price, I just wanted to find him a good home. He went to a good place tho I checked out his setup and it was all spot on.

I wish I would of gotten a baby Leo to start with. There is such a big difference between her and the raptor and I'm not talking about size here. She is very scared of me and I don't blame her she is so little. She is a great hunter. She never saw a cricket until I got her and she really likes them.

She only missed one time with 8 crickets that she's eaten in 2 days for me. She runs after them when she hunts, I never saw that with the raptor as he was 4yrs old when I got him. So far I'm really enjoying owning her, she's very pretty and a joy to look at when she hunts.


New Member
Between two terrariums
I came home she saw me and ran back inside. I have a feeling it's gonna take her awhile to get a feel for her new home.

Sounds like she's got a good enough idea of where the hides are. :laugh:
But seriously, if she's eating and coming out and all then I'd call her settled as far as the cage goes. She may keep to one area of the tank since she's small right now and it's big, but she's comfy enough to hunt.
They're curious, she'll check you out if you let her.


New Member
I know she comes out when I'm not looking as I just found some poo in the cage lol.
She knows where the hides are for sure, she hi tails it to them soon as she sees me. She does come out and hunt so that's good.

She's so little I probably wouldn't even notice it if she drank some water out of her bowl. I keep a eye on it tho just to see if she drinks some or not I know she's eating and pooing but I'm not sure of her water intake..


New Member
Maryville, TN
If you havent already, cover 3 of the 4 sides of the tank with a dark, solid color background. It will help the baby feel more secure. I would say that the huge space probably sort of scares her. Congrats on the new liitle baby! Theyre fun little devils!


New Member
far side of sanity
She's so little I probably wouldn't even notice it if she drank some water out of her bowl. I keep a eye on it tho just to see if she drinks some or not I know she's eating and pooing but I'm not sure of her water intake..

if youre worried about the water intake you could start misting her humid hide and putting her in it. shes really settled in enough that you can start to let her get to know you.
good luck :)


New Member
Between two terrariums
If you don't see her poo, you probably don't see her drink. :laugh: Leos are sneaky about it - keep an eye on her to see if she looks dehydrated, but I sort of doubt a leo who's eating, pooping, moving around in the cage, etc. would refuse water if it was available and not drowning-depth.


New Member
if youre worried about the water intake you could start misting her humid hide and putting her in it. shes really settled in enough that you can start to let her get to know you.
good luck :)

I'm gonna play you know what getting her into the humid hide. I'm gonna introduce myself today and see how it goes, I figure I'll get bit a couple times but that's fine lol.

I want her to see that the humid hide is good, its comfy like a bed lol.

Today should be interesting to say the least
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New Member
Between two terrariums
I wouldn't force her to stay anywhere, particularly with your *hand*, which is the one part of you that you want her to be completely calm around. I wouldn't care how comfy a bed was if someone strapped me in. :laugh:


New Member
Sheesh I word stuff the wrong way all the time, I'll try it again.
I think she is afraid of the humid hide, I brought her home in this container. She won't go near it, I put damp moss in there in for her. I'm saying if I put her in there maybe she will see it's ok, and she might like it.

I'm not trying to hold her hostage lol


New Member
Between two terrariums
That may not be how you or I see it, but she's just a wee little helpless thing, and if she *is* afraid of it for whatever reason, I wouldn't think putting her in there and trying to keep her in there would change that?
Is she shedding? If not, she doesn't need to be in the humid hide yet anyway. My leo took over a week to even notice one of his hides existed, now he likes it very much.


New Member
Between two terrariums
Once she's comfy being picked up, I wouldn't see any problem with just setting her in the hide (from the top maybe, with the lid off), but if she tried to run out I'd let her.


New Member
I hear ya man, she's getting pale now I just want her to know what the humid hide is so she has a good shed. I'm gonna wait and see if I can catch her going in there on her own.


New Member
Maybe she checked it out at night I don't know I haven't seen her by it tho. It's got a good layer of damp moss in there so I'm sure it's more comfy to lay in there then to lay on the tile in the hot hide..


New Member
Going to say it as it is.
You are really going in the wrong direction.
Your gecko knows her home already....
They are curious enough to look it all over
right away. To make sure of any threats.
Right now you are her threat.
That's because you won't introduce
yourself. You are not letting her smell who
you are. She won't stress and die from
smelling your hand daily.
She won't not like you, if she tastes water
on your knuckle.
She will realize food comes from you,
once she knows your hand supplies it.
She will be an adult still not sure
about you, if you avoid her.
Your gecko is like your child.....
avoid contact, and she will not know you either.
Take care. HJ

Anthropomorphism... it's a powerful thing. How'd the Geckos get along without us for so long?

T Ferguson


New Member
Between two terrariums
A gecko's never going to really "like" you, and it obviously doesn't need your company, but it is a good idea to tame it as soon as possible to minimize stress and hassle when you have to clean the cage, or if you need to examine an injury, take it to the vet, etc.

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