I have a question or two


Crazy Animal Lady
backwoods GA , USA
I'm moving into a house with snakes and would love to ask a few questions-

My friend ( whom I'm moving in with) breeds Blood Pythons( she has a few with interesting colors- Red? if thats a morph of them... no clue ~ :main_rolleyes: ) and a very nice Albino who is HUGE named Lola . I'm fine with lola -who likes to roam the bathroom and visit me when I'm in the tub! and tend to leave the rest alone...

She also has a project of Rainbow Boa's .

I obviously can have a snake now... so i'm excited- but what kind of snake should I get? I'd prefer something a bit more 'exotic' than a ball python ( but I'd consider a Piebald morph of one of course :D ) but I know her Pythons are sortof unfriendly ( and she does try to handle them each every day- they are just evil) Also- I'm fine with snakes- but would prefer something that stays a managible size( under 6'?)

And for those of you who take outside pictures of your snakes ( re: conda's thread) how do you keep them from leaving? are they slow?


Fatty Fatty Boomballaty
Western PA
I would recommend rosy boas. Mine has never shown aggression towards me at all and neither have any others I have handled. They stay small 3 feet or so (I was told up to 4 for a big female and mine is a male so...) They aren't really shy at all, I see mine all the time. They like it hot, and very little humidity.

Other than that sand boas are cool too, stay very small usually under 2 feet but burrow alot and you don't see them as much. Also docile and very personal snake from my expirience with them anyway. Require similar care to rosys, hot and dry.

It really depends on what you want whether its a python or whatever. Cornsnakes are good, so are hognoses but I'm sure other more expierienced snake keepers could give you some other good choices as well.


New Member
New York
Im guessing this is your first snake so if you dont want a BP, you could get a cornsnake,bairds ratsnake,cal king,milksnake or if you want a boid, sand boas are cool and very easy to care for. Jungle carpet pythons are not a terrible choice, generally I wouldnt reccomend them for a first snake but if you want something a litte more exotic then BPs that would be a good choice. They get 6-7ft..

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