I have to walk 2 miles in 30 - 40 degree weather to get my Leo to the vet,

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New Member
Miami, FL
Reading comprehension failure powers, activate!

Age matters a great deal in some cases. It has a direct or indirect impact on all kinds of things which factor into pet ownership. Income potential, control over their housing situation, the need to abide by the edicts of parents or schools, limited capacity to act as a fully recognized independent legal entity.

Take this case, there were concerns which led the owner to decide they needed to seek veterinary care. They have a limited income (as noted in the other thread) that enforces a hard cap on how much they can spend for that care if it becomes necessary, they are reliant on other people to provide them with transportation and they have a very limited pool of individuals who are capable of helping them, as their friends are sixteen and seventeen and cannot drive.

What if it had been something more serious?

What if their parent hadn't eventually agreed to take them, because it was inconvenient, impossible or simply not their responsibility?

Since age is the subject at hand- what happens to this person's animals if they choose to go to college or move out of their parents' house? It is pretty obvious that the mother and father are not interested in taking care of these pets that are being accumulated and the ability to take them into a new situation is questionable at best.

There are plenty of responsible young pet owners, but if you ask them they will all acknowledge that they recognize their age can potentially create some complications. They have made their animals a priority, made sure they have the support they need to do the things they might have more difficulty with on their own. Their parents support them keeping animals in the house, they have a car of their own or multiple ways to get around, they have someone backing them financially or a job that they work specifically to put away enough money for emergency care, they limit the size of their collections and make sure their animals have someone who can take care of them if the college dorms have a no pet policy. Being young doesn't prevent pet ownership, it is just one factor which can have an impact on it, in addition to all the factors that would be considered by anyone else.

Loving animals is a great reason to own a pet. It needs to be coupled with a determination to do things the right way, to ensure beyond a doubt that the animal is cared for in the way it needs to be. Sometimes a person is in a place in their life when they simply cannot meet the needs of the animal they want to keep. When that happens, the responsible thing to do is to not own one.

From what SidandCira has told us about themselves, their animals and their difficulties; they might not be in a place right now where pet ownership is a good idea. They mentioned money being a factor, they are not capable of their own transportation, they are living with parents who are indifferent or even opposed to the pets being present (rather than willing to help) and there are medical concerns and life altering situations going on with human relatives that are a priority. Strictly from what they have said, it might be better for the geckos to give them to someone who isn't dealing with all that.

I agree.

And I have something to add. Age IS important when veterinary care is concerned because someone under the age of 18 cannot legally be named a "pet owner" on an animals legal medical file. Therefore, someone who is under that age cannot bring an animal to the vet without a parent or legal guardian.


Psychotic Gecko's
Dayton, Ohio
Well then its on the parents for the pet responsibilities(care, housing, food, vet bills) then for letting there kid have the pet in the first place. If a parent should choose to let there child have the pet then the parent needs to take on the action of supplying the needs for that pet.

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
Well then its on the parents for the pet responsibilities(care, housing, food, vet bills) then for letting there kid have the pet in the first place. If a parent should choose to let there child have the pet then the parent needs to take on the action of supplying the needs for that pet.

Isn't that kinda what everyone was saying by expressing our disappointment in the parents not being willing to drive the op to the appointment? I'm just glad Sid got there, got the treatment he needed and is doing much better. Hopefully the co-dependance won't be forever and the op can tend properly, on their own, to the leos needs in the near future.


Loves Reptiles!
North Carolina
Age should not matter if you ask me.. And I find it a bit rude them even saying anything about that. As long as you get your pet to the vet and do what your suppose to do even if you have to walk I dont see the problem.. The pet gets the treatment they need.. Ive seen grown adults who have money and the transportation not do anything about there sick reptile or pet and thats no right.. And the are OLDER then 18..... At least you got him there even if you had to walk in the cold. Your getting him the help he needed. Im sorry if anyone finds what I said offensive but in my opinion I think it sounded pretty rude to jump down someones throat about there age and whatnot even after you said your getting him to the vet..
Im glad they fixed the little guy up for you though! Good job :)..

Haha, thank you! :) I admit I find some of the stuff he says offensive, perhaps it's just how he words it, but I now just deal with it ,whether his comments, facts, or assumptions are wrong or right! :)


Loves Reptiles!
North Carolina
What if their parent hadn't eventually agreed to take them, because it was inconvenient, impossible or simply not their responsibility?

My parents didn't drive me and I was able to get him the care he needs (I know you don't mean ME, but underaged people in general). That's not the case here though, my sister took me (who is not my guardian) and I was able to sign myself in and be the "pet owner" because I am indeed 18 (whether you believe me or not) so I am unsure why age is becoming an argument.


Loves Reptiles!
North Carolina
What if their parent hadn't eventually agreed to take them, because it was inconvenient, impossible or simply not their responsibility?

My parents didn't drive me, they refused to, and I was still able to get him the care he needs regardless. So... that's not the case here, my sister took me (who is not my guardian) and I was able to sign myself in and be the "pet owner" because I am indeed 18 (whether you believe me or not) so I am unsure why age is becoming an argument. I know my young age and me being unemployed will cause problems for me and the heath of my reptiles, which is why I am not going to buy anymore until we move (and are settled) and I have a good job that pays well!

"they mentioned money being a factor,"
Money obviously isn't a factor, otherwise he wouldn't have gotten his vet care.

"they are not capable of their own transportation,"
Walking is my own transportation if a ride isn't available.

"they are living with parents who are indifferent or even opposed to the pets being present"
My parents love my reptiles, they just refuse to drive me because my father is ill. They drive me occasionally, though.

"there are medical concerns and life altering situations going on with human relatives that are a priority."
I can't do anything about my father having cancer, he is the only one with an illness like that so I'm unsure why you say relatives, being plural; and I don't see how his illness would hinder my pets care and happiness.


Loves Reptiles!
North Carolina
Isn't that kinda what everyone was saying by expressing our disappointment in the parents not being willing to drive the op to the appointment? I'm just glad Sid got there, got the treatment he needed and is doing much better. Hopefully the co-dependance won't be forever and the op can tend properly, on their own, to the leos needs in the near future.

My parents are selfish, if their pets need vet care they'll do it ASAP, but if it's mine they rarely even drive me (unless they're heading out that way that exact day), and I ask them as their daughter but it's SUCH a problem to them, haha... I appreciate you caring for Sid's well-being!


Psychotic Gecko's
Dayton, Ohio
Well all that matters here is that he got the help he needed weather a kid or adult owns him.. He obviously has a very responsible owner who got him that treatment he needed.. She just needed suggestions.. Not to be criticized.. But good luck with the little guy. Hopefully he wont hit anymore problems like this :)


Loves Reptiles!
North Carolina
Well all that matters here is that he got the help he needed weather a kid or adult owns him.. He obviously has a very responsible owner who got him that treatment he needed.. She just needed suggestions.. Not to be criticized.. But good luck with the little guy. Hopefully he wont hit anymore problems like this :)


Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
Hey sid try not to be too hard on Seamus... his dellivery might suck at times, and his heart may seem as cold as our beloved herps, but he is a HUGE help and a font of knowledge this forum would be lost with out. Sometimes I notice from my own personal experience as a Behaviorist, after a while we get so use to dealing with the animals we work with we tend to lose a little of our people skills. Honestly I'd rather work just with the dogs, as the owners tend to slow down the entire process more often than not, and because we, as professional hobbiests or business people in the animal industry, after a while just become sort of numb and robotic when it comes to dealing with the human aspect of pet owners.

We don't always have the best people skills but we ROCK when it comes to helping with their pets and ALWAYS have the pets best interest at heart sometimes to ur own fault. :main_thumbsup: I have, on a few occasions, told people that becuse of their ignorence, that they had no business owning their dog, right to their faces, AFTER they've paid me for a training/behavior mod course. :main_yes:

It may not win many friends or future clients but in the long run, it is better to be honest than to say what people want to hear. So next time you get what you may perceive as an ignorent inhumane response, just try to keep an open mind and realise it's not hatred of you that brings teh response but the best interest of the animal in question. ;)


New Member
Toronto ,Canada
Reading comprehension failure powers, activate!

Age matters a great deal in some cases. It has a direct or indirect impact on all kinds of things which factor into pet ownership. Income potential, control over their housing situation, the need to abide by the edicts of parents or schools, limited capacity to act as a fully recognized independent legal entity.

Take this case, there were concerns which led the owner to decide they needed to seek veterinary care. They have a limited income (as noted in the other thread) that enforces a hard cap on how much they can spend for that care if it becomes necessary, they are reliant on other people to provide them with transportation and they have a very limited pool of individuals who are capable of helping them, as their friends are sixteen and seventeen and cannot drive.

What if it had been something more serious?

What if their parent hadn't eventually agreed to take them, because it was inconvenient, impossible or simply not their responsibility?

Since age is the subject at hand- what happens to this person's animals if they choose to go to college or move out of their parents' house? It is pretty obvious that the mother and father are not interested in taking care of these pets that are being accumulated and the ability to take them into a new situation is questionable at best.

There are plenty of responsible young pet owners, but if you ask them they will all acknowledge that they recognize their age can potentially create some complications. They have made their animals a priority, made sure they have the support they need to do the things they might have more difficulty with on their own. Their parents support them keeping animals in the house, they have a car of their own or multiple ways to get around, they have someone backing them financially or a job that they work specifically to put away enough money for emergency care, they limit the size of their collections and make sure their animals have someone who can take care of them if the college dorms have a no pet policy. Being young doesn't prevent pet ownership, it is just one factor which can have an impact on it, in addition to all the factors that would be considered by anyone else.

Loving animals is a great reason to own a pet. It needs to be coupled with a determination to do things the right way, to ensure beyond a doubt that the animal is cared for in the way it needs to be. Sometimes a person is in a place in their life when they simply cannot meet the needs of the animal they want to keep. When that happens, the responsible thing to do is to not own one.

From what SidandCira has told us about themselves, their animals and their difficulties; they might not be in a place right now where pet ownership is a good idea. They mentioned money being a factor, they are not capable of their own transportation, they are living with parents who are indifferent or even opposed to the pets being present (rather than willing to help) and there are medical concerns and life altering situations going on with human relatives that are a priority. Strictly from what they have said, it might be better for the geckos to give them to someone who isn't dealing with all that.

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Loves Reptiles!
North Carolina
Hey sid try not to be too hard on Seamus... his dellivery might suck at times, and his heart may seem as cold as our beloved herps, but he is a HUGE help and a font of knowledge this forum would be lost with out. Sometimes I notice from my own personal experience as a Behaviorist, after a while we get so use to dealing with the animals we work with we tend to lose a little of our people skills. Honestly I'd rather work just with the dogs, as the owners tend to slow down the entire process more often than not, and because we, as professional hobbiests or business people in the animal industry, after a while just become sort of numb and robotic when it comes to dealing with the human aspect of pet owners.

We don't always have the best people skills but we ROCK when it comes to helping with their pets and ALWAYS have the pets best interest at heart sometimes to ur own fault. :main_thumbsup: I have, on a few occasions, told people that becuse of their ignorence, that they had no business owning their dog, right to their faces, AFTER they've paid me for a training/behavior mod course. :main_yes:

It may not win many friends or future clients but in the long run, it is better to be honest than to say what people want to hear. So next time you get what you may perceive as an ignorent inhumane response, just try to keep an open mind and realise it's not hatred of you that brings teh response but the best interest of the animal in question. ;)

Oh, I know he means well I just... some of the stuff he says is completely flat out wrong. About ME, of course, I know everything he says about reptiles is right, haha. But the stuff about me and my family and friends, like he knows me better than me. :( I'm dealin', though! I appreciate his help regardless of what he says about me and crappy family. :)
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New Member
Sheffield, UK
Im not too bothered about joining in on this conversation but read through it and i just had to point this out.

I know my young age and me being unemployed will cause problems for me and the heath of my reptiles.
This is what Seamus is saying, if you KNOW this then dont buy the animal.

, which is why I am not going to buy anymore until we move (and are settled) and I have a good job that pays well! .

But werent you mentionning about breeding? .. that costs... alot.

"they mentioned money being a factor,"
Money obviously isn't a factor, otherwise he wouldn't have gotten his vet care..

Money is a factor, as youve just mentioned yourself above...

"they are not capable of their own transportation,"
Walking is my own transportation if a ride isn't available. .

Then whats the whole deal about your getting your parents to take you or your sister or whatever!?!?

"they are living with parents who are indifferent or even opposed to the pets being present"
My parents love my reptiles, they just refuse to drive me because my father is ill. They drive me occasionally, though. .

Then stop calling them selfish if that is the reason why they wont drive you, they have a valid reason and yet you keep saying 'my family is selfish' , 'thats my family for ya' etc etc..

"there are medical concerns and life altering situations going on with human relatives that are a priority."
I can't do anything about my father having cancer, he is the only one with an illness like that so I'm unsure why you say relatives, being plural; and I don't see how his illness would hinder my pets care and happiness.

For the reason you mentioned countless times in this thread... your father having cancer has caused your family not to drive you, hence if it wasnt for your sister it could have been very differcult to get your pet the care it needed... thats how it would hinder your pets care and happiness.

Sorry just had to point out the flaws in that post.


Loves Reptiles!
North Carolina
This is what Seamus is saying, if you KNOW this then dont buy the animal.
I worded that sentence kind of wrong, I have support even if it's a small amount. And so far my reptiles have gotten all the care and vet visits they need. They are healthy (& Sid is getting better). That's all that matters. If it becomes so bad to where I can't afford food or vet bills they will be rehomed, do you think I will let them starve or suffer? But for now I can, therefore I am not rehoming them, I don't see a need to if they're getting the food, care, and meds they need. Problems didn't occur until AFTER the animals were bought. So it's not like I bought them knowing things would get bad.

But werent you mentionning about breeding? .. that costs... alot.
No, I never said I was breeding them, I don't know how many times I have to say this to people. I said in the FUTURE I would. When I have a job and know more about the animals.

Money is a factor, as youve just mentioned yourself above...
You keep misreading what I am saying. I'm saying NOW money isn't a factor, I have the money for their care, food, etc.

Then whats the whole deal about your getting your parents to take you or your sister or whatever!?!?
I was asked why I can't get a ride so I explained, that's "the whole deal or whatever." I never said there was no way I can get the animal to the vet. IIIFFF I don't get a ride I will walk.

Then stop calling them selfish if that is the reason why they wont drive you, they have a valid reason and yet you keep saying 'my family is selfish' , 'thats my family for ya' etc etc..
Again, you misread. This is becoming annoying... :( Not YOU, just arguing with people... I really appreciate your concern but half of it isn't needed. They're selfish because they will drop EVERYTHING they are doing to care for their own animals, but won't even drive me to care for mine when I ask. I'm not saying my dad is selfish for not wanting to drive me because he has cancer, goodness! My sister is very capable and my mom is, too (even though she has no licence, she still drives) but they are LAZY and do not want to unless bribed with money.

For the reason you mentioned countless times in this thread... your father having cancer has caused your family not to drive you, hence if it wasnt for your sister it could have been very differcult to get your pet the care it needed... thats how it would hinder your pets care and happiness.

Sorry just had to point out the flaws in that post.
No, it is not difficult to walk 1.6 miles down the road. It was that day because it was cold, however it's getting warmer. And should they need vet care next winter again I will have a car by then.
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New Member
Toronto ,Canada
can we not get back on track to help ppl with leo related topics.this thread is becoming tiresome.Lets put our energy into helping fellow herps.


Loves Reptiles!
North Carolina
can we not get back on track to help ppl with leo related topics.this thread is becoming tiresome.Lets put our energy into helping fellow herps.

No idea why my threads go on like this, I didn't even start anything this time. T__T At least I don't believe I did, I need to start writing things more thoroughly so people don't misunderstand and jump down my throat about it. Anyway, Since Sid DID go to th vet I see no reason in this thread continuing. I got him there warm. No idea how my question about heating Sid turned into all of this. :(


New Member
Again, you misread. This is becoming annoying... :( I really appreciate your concern but half of it isn't needed. They're selfish because they will drop EVERYTHING they are doing to care for their own animals, but won't even drive me to care for mine when I ask. I'm not saying my dad is selfish for not wanting to drive me because he has cancer, Jesus Christ. My sister is very capable and my mom is, too (even though she has no licence, she still drives) but they are LAZY and do not want to unless bribed with money.

Okay, I really have to say something now. Honestly why do you have to be so frikken RUDE AND DISRESPECTFUL, do not EVER use the people's religion "Lord's name in slain" Did you really have to say "Jesus Christ" just to try to justify yourself? you are the most wack person that I had ever seen in this forum .. like I said you've been here not even a month and you have already p.o so many people in this forum off.. as well as disrespecting so many other members/seniors .. so just STOP IT ALREADY!!

oh and another thing, you say that they are selfish because they will drop everything for their own animals?!!? did you seriously just say that?
SWEETHEART IT'S THEIR OWN ANIMALS, they have the right to drop everything just to take care of them.
These are YOUR PETS, don't presume that you parent will drop everything just to help YOURS. It's your responsibility not theirs, unless your parents signed a contact saying they would help your leopard geckos, and how could you even speak that way or your parents? Calling them lazy and selfish? Your parents gave birth to you and raised you and you speak that way of them?
You are the one who seems selfish and a big disrespectful, a word that I will not type.

OH one more thing, do you really think its smart that you said
Your sister and mom drives "even though your mom doesn't have her license"
Smart move child. That could be easily past on to law enforcement.
Not sure if you're just making stuff up, but just a little advice, stop being so rude to people.


Loves Reptiles!
North Carolina
Okay, I really have to say something now. Honestly why do you have to be so frikken RUDE AND DISRESPECTFUL, do not EVER use the people's religion "Lord's name in slain" Did you really have to say "Jesus Christ" just to try to justify yourself? you are the most wack person that I had ever seen in this forum .. like I said you've been here not even a month and you have already p.o so many people in this forum off.. as well as disrespecting so many other members/seniors .. so just STOP IT ALREADY!!

oh and another thing, you say that they are selfish because they will drop everything for their own animals?!!? did you seriously just say that?
SWEETHEART IT'S THEIR OWN ANIMALS, they have the right to drop everything just to take care of them.
These are YOUR PETS, don't presume that you parent will drop everything just to help YOURS. It's your responsibility not theirs, unless your parents signed a contact saying they would help your leopard geckos, and how could you even speak that way or your parents? Calling them lazy and selfish? Your parents gave birth to you and raised you and you speak that way of them?
You are the one who seems selfish and a big disrespectful, a word that I will not type.

OH one more thing, do you really think its smart that you said
Your sister and mom drives "even though your mom doesn't have her license"
Smart move child. That could be easily past on to law enforcement.
Not sure if you're just making stuff up, but just a little advice, stop being so rude to people.

Haha! Look at the pot calling the kettle black. I also love how you're spewing that
mess of a rant at me for stuff even people HERE are agreeing with me on, so why
are you only going for MY neck? You know nothing about me or my family, so please
stop trying to argue with me, because I'm not going to argue with you. :)
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