I just don't understand it!


I question all things.
I'm not directing this at anyone in particular, but it's just been coming up a lot and I want to put some perspective to the issue. I put this in rants because.. Well.. I ended up ranting a lot, as you will soon read. :p

Ugh. Housing multiple species together.. You'd think it'd be common sense, and yet almost every pet***** and pet** does it, and countless mom and pop stores do it, too! In fact, I think the only place I've been that doesn't house animals of different species together is (pet store).
:main_rolleyes: Just the other day, my boyfriend decided to rescue (it's sad that it's called rescuing from a store that's supposed to specialize in pets) a white lined gecko from a local pet***** and the poor little guy was in a 5 gallon enclosure with at least 3 golden geckos that were twice his size! When the lady came to help us with the little one (who I ended up having to catch for her), I respectfully informed her that it wasn't a good idea. I was received with a blank stare and a mindless reply, "Ok. Uh. Well. Um. It's not really my decision.. I'll tell the manager, I guess."

So here it is in perspective.

It's true that some species have formed a pretty comfortable coexistence. But I think it's pretty safe to say that currently there are not any commonly kept reptiles on the market that have such bonds with other reptiles .

Animals, reptiles in particular, compete with one another. Their goal in life is to survive and to propagate THEIR species! So why is it then, a good idea to put two different species of reptile in the same enclosure?

What do you think.. They're going to happily share their food and their space to ensure the other survives?!

:main_no: Ugh.
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Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
Please refrain from using specific store names.

Posts and threads commenting on any business or individual with regards to their business and/or reptile husbandry ethics are not allowed on GeckoForums.net. This includes complaints about retail pet stores.

Snowy & Petra de Gecko

Well Stuff Happens

People think a Lizard is a Lizard is a Lizard.

Common Sense ... well sometime you have to think to have that.

I like the story I heard where a new owner of a tropical frog put a tropical lizard in the same cage and then was surprised when the lizard disappeared.

Where was the thought in that process?

People are People and do what People do.

Most of them think inside the box and others think outside.

We are creatures of habit.

So it is frustrating when People do not think things through. So I can understand.

(And we should not use Names. Being sued is no fun.)


New Member
SOME species of reptiles and amphibians tha can tolerrate being housed together. Take anoles and green tree frogs for exaple. Althogh white lines are aggressive and shouldn't be housed with their own speices even.

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Lena, these things will continue to go on and on and on. Maybe I'm calloused, but I have come to the conclusion in life that there are certain things I cannot change... and I only have so much energy to extend. I no longer focus on the stuff I cannot control, and focus it on my own animals. This is something I can control. It's a shame, but it's too frustrating and heartbreaking otherwise.


Let's Go Bears!
Lena, these things will continue to go on and on and on. Maybe I'm calloused, but I have come to the conclusion in life that there are certain things I cannot change... and I only have so much energy to extend. I no longer focus on the stuff I cannot control, and focus it on my own animals. This is something I can control. It's a shame, but it's too frustrating and heartbreaking otherwise.

+1. Well put Marcia!:main_thumbsup:

Snowy & Petra de Gecko


The Mean Old Gecko Lady has Heart.

But, you can only do what you can do.

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