I just had to vent.


Obsessed with Leos
New Port Richey/Hudson, FL
i think its very uncalled for with graphic signs around a school zone area especially with young children. there is a im guessing a abortion clinic here and there is protestors nearly daily out there but i can never see what the signs say the road is 60 mph road so its hard to read but its opposing abortion. i think they should make them tone it down with the protesting i think it gets out of hand alot in many cases other than abortion. i understand free speech and whatever but if its legal then whats the point.

i personally im pro choice if you think you need it to be done for you early because you know you cant care for it then go ahead the last thing this country needs is more neglected & abused children or kids in foster care and what not. my mom worked with foster agency and its really sad to see the abused kids that come there because you know they will never be normal and they hurt other little kids and what not. if someone thinks its best for them to terminate a pregnancy then do it ... kids are beautiful but if they cant be taken care of correctly by the parent or parents then either needs to go to a family that wants a child or something.
just my opinion on abortion


New Member
I think the point is that radical extremism in any arena can be a dangerous thing. Whether it be pro-life, abortion activists that show posters of multilated, aborted babies or the eco freaks that will take out humans to stop legal hunting.

These radicals, IMO, aren't getting the results they're looking for. Their purpose has been overshadowed by their methods. All they're doing is insighting anger and disgust at them. Then what have they accomplished? Nothing.

I think that is perfectly well said..

I try not to get involved in these things.. because you never know who has actually had to go through this.

Back to the rant at hand.. the protestors are out of hand. Completely... do they think that women already don't go and google these pictures? Do you think this is an easy choice? All they are doing is beating a dead horse. I know more women then not are extremely distraught over the descion, I do not think many "babies" are saved from these posters. Do you really think these women walk in these clinincs with the notion that this a small procedure where your child is taken out by the way of god?

How could a "god-fearing" person do this in front of children who they think are pure? I think it's ridiculous and honestly should cut it out, you're not going to save a baby you are going to destroy a life, the one of the womens, that's exactly what I want to see when I walk in to a place where I have to go through probably one of the largest descions of my life. I really want to go through with it then having these pictures haunt me for the rest of my life, thinking what if, oh my god!

I think I really got off topic.. sorry.

Anyways, protestors outside clinics :main_thumbsdown:
Protestors near a elementary school :main_thumbsdown: :main_thumbsdown: :main_thumbsdown: :main_thumbsdown: :main_thumbsdown: :main_thumbsdown: :main_thumbsdown: :main_angry:


La Española
Melbourne, Florida
They've been doing that here! But on the corner of a major intersection, and it drives me crazy! Honestly, I don't think they're getting anything done. Everyone knows everything about the issue and seeing photos of dead fetuses while you're getting your coffee at Starbucks isn't going to do much to sway your opinion (except maybe your lunch). The only people you're shocking with the photos are children and that is unacceptable. Little children have no business learning about that kind of thing, and it's riddiculous that these grown people think it's perfectly ok.

Honestly, if I had kids I would probably yell at them about it. Besides, there are, in my opinion, more important topics to expend energy bringing the public's attention to. But that's just me.

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