I love my Leos.... but I'd love a few of these too...

What Are You Looking Forward to Adding to Your Collection...

  • N. Levis Levis

    Votes: 20 11.0%
  • U. Milii

    Votes: 14 7.7%
  • Crested Geckos

    Votes: 35 19.3%
  • Gargoyles

    Votes: 6 3.3%
  • Leachies

    Votes: 20 11.0%
  • African Fat Tailed

    Votes: 24 13.3%
  • Leopard Geckos are all I need!!

    Votes: 25 13.8%
  • Something Not Listed (Please Share!)

    Votes: 37 20.4%

  • Total voters
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Lake Effect Leos
Traverse City, MI
I've been in love with Leachies for a while and I'm dying for some, so I voted for them. My new infatuation is with Lygodactylus williamsi. They are so gorgeous! When they become a little less expensive in the US, I hope to get a trio of these little cuties! :main_yes:


Hopefully the next gecko I get will be the one that I have wanted since I first laid eyes on the species, which would be none other then the Satanic leaf-tailed gecko. Ah, I can dream. haha


New Member
Mesa, Arizona
My friend had a gila. They are only venomous because of the bacteria in their mouth they produce and from eating rotting flesh/scavenging in the wild.
She got a baby and brushed his teeth every day to cut back on the "venom"
But still was super careful.
However, I believe animals like that should be left in the wild, like camines (sp?) too.

I should mention over here in Arizona they roam wild and although I have never seen one its a scary thing.


I voted for cresties. They're just so damn cute!

I also wouldn't mind some leachies.


At this point in the game, I have six snakes and one crestie. My most likely next purchase will be another crestie. The other candidate at this time would be another ball python. I currently have two normal females and a pastel male. I'd like to get at least one more ball python morph. At that point in the game, I might stop adding. While I could afford more, I worry that the quality of care might suffer if I add too many.

If I were going to expand beyond the species that I currently have, my first choice would be a tangerine leopard gecko. The other geckos are nice to see, but I don't have much interest in owning one.



I question all things.
I think leachies are adorable and hopefully I'll have one some day, when I'm moved out.

Also on my list..
Blue-tongued Skink
Rankins Dragon
Tokay Gecko (I already have a name picked out if he doesn't become tame.. - Nicolae (Name of the anti-christ.. HAHA))
Ball Python or Sand Boa

Call me a humbug but I really don't like cresties all that much. I just think they're awkward-looking.


New Member
I voted for other simply because I just can't narrow my list down to one. I'd love to add a Rankins dragon, if I can find one. If I can't then I'll be more than happy to take on a regular sized beardie or two, once I aquire the space of course.

I'd also love to keep a few African Fat-Tails. I love that deep chocolate brown and they seem like such a good addition to the leos.

I'd love to pick up some cresteds down the road as well, and some dart frogs provided that I have the space and the money to keep up with the collection :main_laugh:

I'd like to get a smaller species of snake as well, although the boyfriend isn't too keen on that idea so I may never get my snake unless I can pull off some major convincing.


Grass Valley, California
i had a mexican beaded lizard from a baby to over 2 feet long
they are not slow. lol. not when they want to get you. they get over 3 feet long and eat adult rats. they ARE awesome!

gloves won't help you. they can develop more than 3000 psi with those hefty jaws when fully grown and pissed off. never underestimate any venomous animal.

i only have scan of a pic from when it was young.


i'm sure some of them tame nicely, but be prepared for speedy strikes to the side. just approach from the top and you're pretty safe.

David Loftin said:
They are really slow animals.. And.. I would always be wearing a very heavy duty pair of gloves. :D

Its more of a looking animal anyways. :main_yes:


im looking get an iguana but i heard buying off other's with bigger iguanas isnt to good cuz they could be tame for tohers but with you could be different story...

then theres Crested geckos.... and i want get more giant leopard's or giant bearded or dwarf bearded... kinda thinking about snake but i dont like snakes much... but iguana would really love to get.


I voted "Something Not Listed" so I'd thought I'd share what I thought. I would like to add some Kingsnakes to my collection in the future, if I add anything more. How can you resist these things?



Especially Deserts. :main_yes: Even though, there is no morphs other than albino if I'm not mistaken in Deserts. I like Calis and Floridas too though. :main_yes:


Rest In Peace jmlslayer
The S.F. Bay Area, California, U.S.A.
Aside from Leos I really like Texas Collared Lizards, I had two as a kid but haven't seen anyone with nice ones since. I want one of your AFTs when they're ready, Brittney. I would like a Gila Monster. Marcia has these geckos from AZ who's name escapes me, but I really like them. To me they look just like mini Leos. I'm partial to constrictors too. I would love a Santa Isabel Island Ground Boa. I really really want a Cremesicle Ball Python and a regular Piebald Ball Python, but those are very expensive.
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Mesa, Arizona
Aside from Leos I really like Texas Collared Lizards, I had two as a kid but haven't seen anyone with nice ones since. I want one of your AFTs when they're ready, Brittney. I would like a Gila Monster. Marcia has these geckos from AZ who's name escapes me, but I really like them. To me they look just like mini Leos. I'm partial to constrictors too. I would love a Santa Isabel Island Ground Boa. I really really want a Cremesicle Ball Python and a regular Piebald Ball Python, but those are very expensive.

Would that be the Desert Banded Gecko?

and i Have never had a Snake b4.. but am absolutly in love with the Piebald's...and the Black Eyed Lucistic Ball Python
Would also really love a viper gecko! a crested. and a Uro!
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sorry guys ... i debated allowing two + votes... but I thought it might wash things out a bit. Should I post a new poll??

I don't mind, maybe people should choose what they're seriously planning on getting, or pick their favorite and post the rest in a post?

I'm getting a yellow-spotted salamander in a few months; my mom saved one from a snake and she's taking care of it until I get to go see her again this summer :D

EDIT: Okay, maybe that's more than a 'few months', heh
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