I pity the gecko's at the local pet store...



I went to a local pet store today. I saw something really disturbing. There were four geckos in a very tiny cage. They were kept on sand, there were crix bigger than their heads inside the cage. There were mealies all over the cage, the poo was not cleaned up for maybe a week. One of their tails were so skinny. A little thicker than a tip of a blunt pencil. They were just hatchlings.


It's upsetting isn't it...i'd take them ALL if i could! As i'm sure everybody else on here would!


Active Member
I never understood that myself, why keep your leos in horrible conditions if youre trying to sell them? Each one that dies is less money AND for the people who know, like us, wont buy from stores like that so that is less money. Just changing tiny things such as sand or cleaning the cage or proper feeding OR ALL OF THE ABOVE, could save a store thousands of dollars a year, so WHY not do it??? EVERYBODY WINS! i never understood it.


New Member
If they use paper towels in the tanks at the store how are they going to sell you that $12 or $13 bag of calci sand?


Active Member
You know what....that gives me a brilliant idea. Someone should make a special "reptile paper towel" which would just be normal paper towel with a picture of a leo on the plastic outside wrapping. Then sell them in pet stores. No more harmful sand and petstores could use it AND sell it. EVERYBODY WINS!


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
LOL I've wished for a long time that someone would make an absorbent paper pre-cut for individual tank or tub sizes. It makes so much sense! Plus, disposable items always need to be replaced so the manufacturer and stores would benefit.


caffeine zombie
some pet stores won't go for the paper towel because it "doesn't look nice". a nicely decorated cage with carpet or sand is more eye catching than a paper towel. presentation is a big part of selling; you're not just trying to sell the animal but the decorations and accessories as well. it really does work, i saw a man buy a $500+ aquarium because he liked one of our tank set ups.

a dirty cage won't sell a thing though, people don't want to buy things that look disgusting. the only reason they're kept in filth is laziness. in cases like this talking to management usually doesn't do any good, if they cared they wouldn't tolerate that from their employees.

a local pet store (that thankfully closed down recently) kept their reptiles in even worse conditions. the manager's response when i asked why their cages had nothing but substrate (not even lighting or water!) was "whatever". she turned her back to me and went to play with a puppy.


is behind you.
Prince George, BC
I never understood that myself, why keep your leos in horrible conditions if youre trying to sell them? Each one that dies is less money AND for the people who know, like us, wont buy from stores like that so that is less money. Just changing tiny things such as sand or cleaning the cage or proper feeding OR ALL OF THE ABOVE, could save a store thousands of dollars a year, so WHY not do it??? EVERYBODY WINS! i never understood it.

That is something I've been trying to convince my store since I started working there. You wouldn't believe how many reptiles we lose a month. And it's not just $11 anoles. It's $100 frogs like Malaysian leaf frogs and $130 lizards like the bearded dragons.

I'm sure some of you know about my pet store. I'm getting ready to quit because no one has listened to me regarding the care of the reptiles. Now I'm thinking I shouldn't quit because I've finally got things where I want them although this could fall apart at any time if one of my other co-workers decides that she doesn't want to do her job that day i.e. slack off which is something she does very often. But, I'm fortunate in that my manager doesn't care either way and so I get to use paper towels and provide bowls of calcium and mealworms for those animals that need them. But that's just it. Because no one in the store cares I've done all the work and will continue to do the work...

But I agree. A reptile paper towel would be awesome!


Capitalist corporations just dont care it seems. And trust me...I work for one so I know lol. Anywho, there are 3 chain pet stores near my house that I visit often and they actually keep their animals in pretty nice conditions. All the reptiles are on carpet, clean tanks, fresh water, all healthy. And most surprising...the employees actually know what theyre talking about *GASP* (I was looking at the leos, and the dude jumped in and was giving me a bunch of info. I already knew it all, but it was nice to know he did too haha)

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