I try to explain to them...BUT THEY DON'T LISTEN!!


New Member
So I sold my female SHTCTB, to a friend I worked with at work, who just got her first leopard gecko and has a 30 gallon tank. i didn't want to sell my female.

I wanted to sell her to her, because my two females didn't like her, and were bullying her and what not and not letting her eat, so I immeaditly took her out and put her in a seperate tub, that was my males, and left my male in with my females for a couple of days, She still only ate like two times from me. She only eats crickets. Anyways long story short, I needed to rehome her, because she needed to be housed by herself and I don't have my racks/shelf/ viv set up yet, that my dad promises me will make *crosses fingers* but that won't be for a couple of months, and I didn't want to leave my male in with my females, so I seperated them

*in case a certain person is wondering, I have a 16qt tub quarantining my eclipse/snake eye, and Hybrid has my male for the week and I'll be buying another 10 gallon, for him to be in, I know confusing, why couldn't you have done that with the other female blah blah blah.....* It's a long story but it's logical, that's all i'm saying I don't feel like going over it. ( also has nothing to do with money)

Anyways, I wanted to get the female to a home where she could have an immeadiate nice cozy place of her home.

I explained this to the girl, everything..... about why she can't be housed with another one, because she won't eat, she only eats crickets, she is easily stressed, she's still very young, and she agreed to this, and until the store we work at got the 30 gallon cage divider she'd be using a piece of cardboard to separate the two.

Well come to find out after all that I told her, she put them together, and now thinks it's okay because they get along just fine, I then proceeded to tell her, yes they can but it's stressful for both (obviously the leos aren't helping my case because they sleep snuggly together) I told her, that breeding takes a lot of their weight, and can really be a burden on a fully grown, good weight mom. But she still was like whatever, what do I do with the eggs if she has them..... I am absolutely furious about this, it makes me so angry, I COULD HAVE put her in with my male if I wanted too. YOU ARE A COMPLETE dipstick!!! so everytime I see her I stress to her what she's doing, but nothing, so the least I can do is educate her on breeding basics, so "my" female won't become eggbound and die.

I was told from her friend, that instead of being the almost carrot orange she was, she's almost the same color as the (exsuse me if I offend anyone) cheap high yellows you can buy at ******** or petstores. I'm furious, LIVID, she was beautiful and I thought she would listen to me, and just enjoy her beauty....BUT NO!!! I know nothing about leopard geckos.... "Haley it's okay, they LOVE each other, they are best buds!!!" *smacks face* *grumbles*

You know what else has me purturbed, almost anyone at the place I work at (except the owner) will recommend that calcium sand, and try to convice me it's okay and yadada, I will sit their and explain to them the evidence about it, the danger of the calci sand, BUT NO!! because the "manager" who supposedly has more leos than me, I thought she had like 4 last I heard (not to mention the two she brought in, that just were constiously skinny, but healthy looking, but would never gain weight) She supports the sand, and NEver am I allowed to contradict her, I NEED TO find those articles on the calci sand and other loose substrate

AND AND DID YOU NOTICE that a lot of leopard gecko books recommend UVB and CALCI SAND, those cheap beginner ones....oooooo I tell people it's a good guide but I don't agree with the lighting or the calci sand.
AND WHY IS IT, I try to tell people about leos and what not, because I'm "newer there or 6 months ago I didn't know anything about them" I wish people would listen to me!!

*hmpf, appears purple and red in the face*

Any chance I can, I take over leopard geckos, but what I hate the most is when I'm working on selling something to someone, and someone else working there comes up and starts telling them all this wrong stuff, and looks at me LIke I don't have a clue what I'm doing and I'm going over board........

Also..the manager with the leos, she does take care of her leos well, she told be about the shedding stump and help me setup my crested geckos cage. She good, just misinformed. She's helped me Luellas weird eye and face thing, it really helped. And I'm pretty sure the reason the two were small (and the female layed an egg, because she had it in with the male)
was because they were juvis. like probably 5-6 months, not fat tail, just very slender looking.

I could go on and on but I'm through

I just wish I hadn't sold my female, and just went out and bought the 10 gallon right then and there. my male could have stayed in the 40qt tub a little longer..... if someone would have helped me drill more air holes in it....


New Member
Its hard to sell (or give away any animal) The sweet idea of it going to a perfect home is refreshing. But when that bond is broken it really turns in to Madness.

You can give a person All the paperwork,facts, and caresheets in the world. And he/she still doesnt understand. And sadly Many times the new owner will

A.) learn the hard way, and see what happens <<< First Place

B.) reveiw what they did and fx it. <<<< Maybe

c.) become very lucky and nothing happens to there pets <<very lucky

i wish it was B, to see there wrong. but intime to fix it.

for all pet owners who are "Killing there pet with love"
thinking sand,A buddy,or over feeding is Better for them. Maybe you can sit that person down. tell them

1,This can happen if you use sand, (print out facts saying "sand Can kill"

2,Show that stress is something that happens often when another gecko
is near. (tails will Sometimes fall off)

facts & photos,If then nothing changes and you have done all you could.
to help the leopard gecko & the person to learn more. you have done your part. however its up to them to Understand what is the right thing.

Atlest your trying! am very glad to hear that. Its so sad how some people sell/give away animals...Without even looking back or even asking if there Alrght. Good luck!;)


New Member
Its hard to sell (or give away any animal) The sweet idea of it going to a perfect home is refreshing. But when that bond is broken it really turns in to Madness.

You can give a person All the paperwork,facts, and caresheets in the world. And he/she still doesnt understand. And sadly Many times the new owner will

A.) learn the hard way, and see what happens <<< First Place

B.) reveiw what they did and fx it. <<<< Maybe

c.) become very lucky and nothing happens to there pets <<very lucky

i wish it was B, to see there wrong. but intime to fix it.

for all pet owners who are "Killing there pet with love"
thinking sand,A buddy,or over feeding is Better for them. Maybe you can sit that person down. tell them

1,This can happen if you use sand, (print out facts saying "sand Can kill"

2,Show that stress is something that happens often when another gecko
is near. (tails will Sometimes fall off)

facts & photos,If then nothing changes and you have done all you could.
to help the leopard gecko & the person to learn more. you have done your part. however its up to them to Understand what is the right thing.

Atlest your trying! am very glad to hear that. Its so sad how some people sell/give away animals...Without even looking back or even asking if there Alrght. Good luck!;)

Thanks I found the article I was looking for about the sand. so I'll be printing it off to show my manager.


New Member

Ive tried to tell people at pet stores here that any kind of sand is no good for the leos. People dont listen.

Sarah is good with reptiles, but like u said is misinformed im guessing with leos. I still dont like the repti bark they use in there either, but at least its not sand. lol


New Member
Also Haley,

TY for letting me borrow your male enigma; even though he didnt perform! lol anyways no reason to go buy a tank for him. Ill send him home in a 20long or a 10 gallon :)


New Member
One more thing....if u EVER sell one of ur geckos again, let me know ASAP. Especially this Enigma! But i would have loved your SHTCT! GRRRRR u! lol


New Member

Ive tried to tell people at pet stores here that any kind of sand is no good for the leos. People dont listen.

Sarah is good with reptiles, but like u said is misinformed im guessing with leos. I still dont like the repti bark they use in there either, but at least its not sand. lol

Yeah Sarah doesn't agree with loose substrate for leos... it's *cough* Ashlee either... *nudge nudge* it's the morning manager...little dog...Brody-westie (you may not know her)

Yeah I don't either. butt it's good for when they shed. So as a temporary way...not much can be said.


New Member
True...well i do understand that Ash and them are more into snakes than lizards, but its like us telling them about their snake enclosures, ya know?


New Member
One more thing....if u EVER sell one of ur geckos again, let me know ASAP. Especially this Enigma! But i would have loved your SHTCT! GRRRRR u! lol

I sowwry, it was her birthday! and she was showing really good interest! But it was so stupidddddd XD *for shame* lol and thank you Matt *glomp*


New Member
True...well i do understand that Ash and them are more into snakes than lizards, but its like us telling them about their snake enclosures, ya know?

Yeah Ashlee is into snakes and turtles and tortises and dogs,(te he 16 puppies)


60 miles south of Chicago
High Yellows are considered "cheap" and something "simple" that can be found at a pet store?


I have a high yellow female who is BEAUTIFUL, and I got her from a breeder.

Maybe I should send her back and exchange her for a rainwaterenigmaalbinotangerinesupermackcarrottail.

hm. Something to think about.:main_laugh:

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