Felicia, the room is looking great. :main_thumbsup:
I can still see a lot of white on the walls though. That means you don't have enough racks. :main_evilgrin:
LOL I did say I was going to build more racks! lol I need to measure but I think I can get two more of those hatchling racks in and even add another three shelves above them.
The center shelving unit will be for cresties since they don't need any power for heating.
Thanks Nancy! That's great!!! Do you know what month yet?
hehehe I just measured and I can add 4 more rows up on the white hatchling rack making it 72 tubs, I can fit two more of those in the room along with the black one that is 36, that's s total 252! Currently I have 62 tubs for adults, thinking a I need another rack maybe two, just in case. Great now I get to hear my husband ask me again for the millionth time "Just how many of these things are you keeping?"
It's looking really great Felicia
Congrats on a really nice herp room
Mine is still in the planning stages
No major remodeling-I have a spare front bedroom that is going to be converted into a herp room
It's just slow going with me being the only one working on it
But I'll get it together eventually