injured in shipping


Gecko Obsessed
Little Rock, AR
Sorry if this is in the wrong spot... wasn't sure whether I should put it in Shipping, or Health...

I bought several geckos last week from a few different breeders. They're all scheduled to arrive today. I just got the first box from UPS. Upon opening the box, the younger gecko I bought was just fine. The adult male however is injured. It looks like he's partially dropped his tail, as there is a slit on one side of the base of the tail. The injury is obviously fresh. I immediately took a picture and emailed it to the breeder. This was just a few minutes ago so I haven't heard back yet.

I've left him in the (opened) shipping container inside his tub in the rack. (That's how I put him in in the first place anyway, just opened him up inside the tub so he can crawl out on his own when he's ready.) I haven't tried to handle him and am leaving him alone so he doesn't get more stressed. Is there anything else I can do? Will the tail fully drop or can it heal back up? Should I try to put anything on it? Clean it? :main_huh:

It's now a few minutes before 10:30am. Hopefully my other packages will arrive from FedEx any minute now. The tracking says they're supposed to be here by 10:30... Please keep your fingers crossed for us that they get here soon without incident.


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
Oh no! I think you've done the best you can right now. I would just try not to bother his for a while and wait to hear back from the breeder. That's the scariest part of shipping geckos, not knowing what goes on while they're in transit.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for your other box which should be there any minute. If it doesn't show up soon I'll start calling and harassing them.

*edit* fingers crossed worked for delivery. Now I'll just keep them crossed that your injured tail guy heals up!
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Gecko Obsessed
Little Rock, AR
Good news is that the other packages arrived just a minute or two after I posted! Everyone else is here safe and sound. (I just finished sending you an email Mel!)

The male with the injured tail is very active... pacing around his tub. I'm hoping he'll calm down and let the tail heal. I need to chain myself to the couch in the living room so I don't go in and peek on them every few minutes lol.


-sssSpyker ExoticSsss-
Good to here the rest of the packages made it safe . sorry to hear about the male though , depending on the savarity of the severange he should be fine if the center of the tail or spine is still attached he will probably retain the tail and the flesh will heal back together just keep him in a clean tub and when he has calmed down gently apply some neosporine to the tail. do that a couple times a week for 2 or three weeks.

I had this happen once . gecko arrived with a partial rip at the base of his tail and his healed great , cant even tail.


Gecko Obsessed
Little Rock, AR
Thanks guys. I left him alone all day, and probably will for the next day or so. He's finally starting to calm down and not be so angsty. (I've been good though, haven't peeked in the tub, just observed from across the room. :D ) Once he settles down and I can put some neosporine on without freaking him out, that's what I'll do. Wish us luck that he doesn't drop it completely!


New Member
NE Ohio
The last gecko we got shipped had a crack in the tail. Once she went through a shed you aren't able to tell at all. It healed quite nicely. I hope you get the same good outcome. You took the same steps we did. We just left her alone to calm down, so I'd say if you can keep yourself away from him then you are doing the best you can at this time. I think you are right, and not looking is the hardest part.

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