Interesting... (S.I.M. phone call) new data.


Gecko Elements
Hingham MA
So i decided to call John on my S I M container. Told him what was happening and how I'm a second year breeder. Gave him details on my temps incubation median. Told him ya know i have a crestie temp gauge (humidity and temp) ill put that in the SIM and see what it reads. SO... Here is whats interesting I'm using the hovabator with the temp readings on it. Two are inside hovabator on opposing sides on reads 81.8 other reads 83.9 (coralife product) . Now the 3rd temp gauge is INSIDE the SIM this is one with humidity reading here are its readings... 88F and 99% humidity (fluker product)??? Can anyone explain why all the temp differences.

John was going to hand my number over to Gregg for a call to here more possible instructions.

Seems like now I have more then enough humidity but is it really 88 in the SIM??? why ?


Gecko Elements
Hingham MA
SIM has been in there for at least 2 weeks maybe 3. Put the temp/humid gauge in this morning 9am. looked at the reading just recently still 88F with 99% humid INSIDE sim yet other temp gauges outside SIM in hovabator read low 80-83

EDIT: Im actually now going to move one of the low 80 gauges (coralife) inside SIM and see what it will read *** i have a lot of temp gauges around house ***


Mod Squad Member
Sterling Ohio
Rotate the temp guages and let them sit for an hour and take the readings again. This way you will know the exact gauges temps for all three containers and then you can compare the data.

I believe if you humidity is higher in one container you can expect the temp to be higher in that container. That is a good question for Gregg :)

Also temps do range in the same series thermometers.

Temps will also range in different containers and different substrates.

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