is eating sheds ok?


New Member
I have one gecko that insists on eating her sheds everytime, even before it's off of her sometimes. Is this ok? I was scanning other articles and didn't see an answer (then again I'm on my phone and easily can overlook stuff). I guess I'm just wondering if I should try to prevent this. She'd eat other gecko's sheds wwhen she had tank mates as well.


Active Member
Southern Illinois
Every leopard gecko has to eat its own shed! That's what they do, and it contains valuable stuff for them. You're not supposed to help them out and throw it away :blush:

I have one gecko that likes to eat its cage mate's shed. I would separate such geckos. The other one will miss proteins. It needs to eat its own skin, and doesn't want to get nipped at all the time.

Do you supplement enough? Maybe the one that munches on other geckos' skin is extra hungry ;)



New Member
I have one gecko that insists on eating her sheds everytime, even before it's off of her sometimes. Is this ok? I was scanning other articles and didn't see an answer (then again I'm on my phone and easily can overlook stuff). I guess I'm just wondering if I should try to prevent this. She'd eat other gecko's sheds wwhen she had tank mates as well.

I don't mean to be smart but did you read any care sheets? shedding is mentioned in most. maybe taking the time to read carefully is a good idea.

Maybe that one needs a bit more food. I thing it will be good to seperate that one to make sure he is getting enough food,


New Member
Gecko4245 that was kind of a smart comment...shedding is mentioned but sometimes if you are a person who has only had snakes in the past you may assume that these herps shed their skin and are done. Some of my geks don't eat their sheds or all of it...cause I willl find larger portions of the shed around the viv. Maybe AmberJeanBean read about the needs to shed properly but skimmed over the part where they eat it. either way could have just answered the question.

Amber yes eatting shed is normal...most Geks will get their heads started and then turn around the eat the shed right off their bodies. The eating off thy neighbor part is something I haven't seen....I don't see it being an issue as long as the animal is healthy and eating enough but it could cause an issues between the two Leo's as in the one just wants to eat the skin the other doesn't get it and it can cause some aggression. So just keep an eye out.

BTW does this Leo who likes the sheds possibly have MBD?


New Member
Gecko4245 that was kind of a smart comment...shedding is mentioned but sometimes if you are a person who has only had snakes in the past you may assume that these herps shed their skin and are done. Some of my geks don't eat their sheds or all of it...cause I willl find larger portions of the shed around the viv. Maybe AmberJeanBean read about the needs to shed properly but skimmed over the part where they eat it. either way could have just answered the question.

Amber yes eatting shed is normal...most Geks will get their heads started and then turn around the eat the shed right off their bodies. The eating off thy neighbor part is something I haven't seen....I don't see it being an issue as long as the animal is healthy and eating enough but it could cause an issues between the two Leo's as in the one just wants to eat the skin the other doesn't get it and it can cause some aggression. So just keep an eye out.

BTW does this Leo who likes the sheds possibly have MBD?
someone had already answered her question. don't you think people should do there research before or while they have the pet? it was a shocking question because it's on the caresheets. I told her that maybe he was not getting enough food.
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New Member
Ugh, really people. This is why I hardly post on here and just read the info. Why must you make every question into some horrible thing. I did do plenty of research before getting gecko's, and never saw something that said your gecko will eat their shed. - just had a conversation with a respected breeder commenting on how you can read caresheet after caresheet, and still miss something. I figured eating her shed was ok, but I was doing my RESEARCH and finding out for sure.


New Member
Yes it is okay that they eat their shed. That what they do.

I am fairly new here but I can see why people don't like to ask questions here. I mean you ask what you feel is a concerning question and it seams you always get some one that wants to criticize you. I had a question the other night about my new gecko but waited until the reptile shop opened the the next after noon to avoid this. Kind of sad I joined a site that I thought was going to be fun and helpful. It has been very helpful but at the same time I am afraid to ask questions.

Sorry to rant but aren't we all here to share info and our love for geckos?

Now I'm sure I will get poop.

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New Member
Yes it is okay that they eat their shed. That what they do.

I am fairly new here but I can see why people don't like to ask questions here. I mean you ask what you feel is a concerning question and it seams you always get some one that wants to criticize you. I had a question the other night about my new gecko but waited until the reptile shop opened the the next after noon to avoid this. Kind of sad I joined a site that I thought was going to be fun and helpful. It has been very helpful but at the same time I am afraid to ask questions.

Sorry to rant but aren't we all here to share info and our love for geckos?

Now I'm sure I will get poop.

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Not all questions are created equal. The last place you want to go and ask a question about a reptile is a pet store.


Island Reptiles
I agree with you gecko4245 to some extent. some people that work in the reptile department are not only workers but owners of reptiles as well so there is an off chance you will get some useful info from them haha.
As for the way mrgecko felt about posting his questions on here, I can see where he is coming from. A lot of the post that I have read on here with "concerning" questions (concerning to the owner) get bashed by nonsense. Instead of addressing the concern for the fellow gecko lover some people make it a point to insult or insinuate the owner is a poor care taker of the gecko.
To those people that may feel this way though my only advice to you is post your question, take the good advice and ignore the other nonsense, don't reply to it or get worked up over it because its not worth it.
Well thats my rant for the day :)


New Member
My question was asked at a reptile store not a pet shop. I purchased my Leo from this reptile store as they were recommended by others that bought reptiles from them and other good views from reptile shows. I am no longer going to reply to this as I bought a Leo for enjoyment.

My point was made about asking and posting certain questions and answers ;)

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New Member
palmetto FL
Im very sorry about the thread. I would say that its normal as normal gets for a leo :). I would be careful about her eating her neighbors shed, she may be careful with herself but you dont want her accidentaly nipping him/her. It seems like youve gotten the answer you need so hopefuly someone will close the thread for you(im not she if we ourselfs can). In the mean time, some members cannot control their urge to be the "parents" and scold or asume the worst of people in need. Some think negitivity will work best. This goes to any member who reads this. Positive responce will recive a positive answer much more then negitive responce. NEVER asume for lesser.


New Member
Well for those of you concerned, the gecko on topic is housed alone. I said when she was with tank mates she did that. I have since sepereted her, and she is a great eater. SO i'm doubting the food shortage would be an issue. I just wanted to know if this was normal behavior, as I haven't noticed any of my other doing this. Most of the time the sheds just lay around until my weekly cleaning, and then I toss them. It hadn't occured to me that I hadn't taken a shed out of this particular cage, so when the thought crossed my mind I thought I'd inquire on it.


New Member
It seems like youve gotten the answer you need so hopefuly someone will close the thread for you(im not she if we ourselfs can). In the mean time, some members cannot control their urge to be the "parents" and scold or asume the worst of people in need. Some think negitivity will work best. This goes to any member who reads this. Positive responce will recive a positive answer much more then negitive responce. NEVER asume for lesser.

Unfortunately true!

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