It's not just you. It seems to me that every picture that he posts lately has the contrast blasted. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm done with the kid!!
I guess he went to the Tremper school of photography. I was shocked at how many people were commenting on how amazing the colors were! The contrast is SOO blown out...
I try to play nice with him when I can which is not often and aviod him the rest of the time. Those photos though even the white is tooooooo white in most areas. He just gets on my nerves just like a lot of the rest of the general population of the country lol
I've been bitting my tongue for a while now, but in the past few days I've been looking at somethings in photoshop with his photos. He's definitely jacking up the contrast by 30% or more on every photo. I know he uses photoshop too. I had photos saved to call him out on it, but what's the point. He never sells anything, just keeps them for himself. So he's only going to disappoint himself. Plus only the newbs are wowing, and they'll figure out soon enough that it's over the top.
Also, I'm sure you guys have figured this out already, but this is how he gets his BSBs to look more black. Even with his contrasted photos though they're still brown/maroon.
I don't know, it's annoying...but what good is it going to do. He'll just find something else to do or say to get under our skin. I've just been trying to shrug it off.