Is she just stupid?


New Member
Bucks county, PA
Today my female laid her second clutch ever. Her first were both beautiful fertile eggs. Today her eggs were laid next to each other. One in the calcium dish and one on the floor next to it. I thought they would be infertile because of where she laid them but when i candled them i saw red veins and a vague bullseye. They seem fertile. They were slightly dented from being near the heatpad all night but will they be ok if they are now in moist perlite? And why would she do this? I thought they only did that to infertile eggs. And why would she have dug up both her humid hides and laying boxes and spewed dirt everywhere if she didn't use them? I'm so confused. Can anyone help?
Oh and the eggshell was hard and dry not wet and slimy.


Quality is Everything
Corona, CA
For starters yes they can/should still be good to be set up in your incubation container. Some females will not lay in their nest boxes no matter what you do. However, 99% of the time they lay outside of their nesting box is due to them deeming it unfit for their eggs and then just lay them wherever else they think it may be ok. I would check to be sure there is no excrement in the lay box and ensure there is no mold or anything beginning to grow from being humid for extended periods of time. Also most females will lay infertile eggs the same they would fertile because they simply don't know the difference. The eggs should never be wet and slimy if they are fertile. If you get them right after they were laid then they wont be calcified as much but never should be wet or slimy.

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