Hello there! 
I have recently gotten interested in leopard geckos, and decided to go to my local Petco to know how to properly care for one.
The guy in told me I will need:
A 10 gallon tank
Mealworms or crickets
Calcium/vitamin sand
Mealworm bowl
Water bowl
One or two hides
A 75 watt day bulb
A 60 watt night bulb
A UVB bulb
Two lamp fixtures
Leopard gecko calcium dust
Humidity gauge
One thermometer
He said the warm side should be 95-110 degrees and the cool side should be 85-90 degrees. I need to put the moss over the sand and need to mist it daily. I need to dust with leopard gecko dust once a month. All I have to do is once a month change the bedding and change the water once or twice a week.
That was all the care info. he gave me.
Is this information correct? Thanks!
I have recently gotten interested in leopard geckos, and decided to go to my local Petco to know how to properly care for one.
The guy in told me I will need:
A 10 gallon tank
Mealworms or crickets
Calcium/vitamin sand
Mealworm bowl
Water bowl
One or two hides
A 75 watt day bulb
A 60 watt night bulb
A UVB bulb
Two lamp fixtures
Leopard gecko calcium dust
Humidity gauge
One thermometer
He said the warm side should be 95-110 degrees and the cool side should be 85-90 degrees. I need to put the moss over the sand and need to mist it daily. I need to dust with leopard gecko dust once a month. All I have to do is once a month change the bedding and change the water once or twice a week.
That was all the care info. he gave me.
Is this information correct? Thanks!