As some of you know Pat Kline and I have done alot of business and we were even good friends up until recently. We had a few issues that went unaddressed and emotions got the best of us.
I want EVERYONE to know that a communication breakdown on both our parts has been over come with one simple conversation and I'd like to say Sorry to all involved. Without getting into it, all has been addressed quite simply and it's business as usual so to speak.
This hobby/ business is about ENJOYMENT of the species, and I for one don't want to forget that first and foremost. Back to sharing my love for this hobby with everyone that enjoys it INCLUDING Pat!
I want EVERYONE to know that a communication breakdown on both our parts has been over come with one simple conversation and I'd like to say Sorry to all involved. Without getting into it, all has been addressed quite simply and it's business as usual so to speak.
This hobby/ business is about ENJOYMENT of the species, and I for one don't want to forget that first and foremost. Back to sharing my love for this hobby with everyone that enjoys it INCLUDING Pat!