It drives me nuts...!!!

How ignorant some people are when I or others say that there leos should be taken off sand and they say stuff like "they are fine", "it works for my leo" ect.
Some times I just want to crawl through the screen slap them in the face and tell them to listen for once. But that would be rude wouldn’t it.

Like when I was at a pet store (It was a chain store I think I can say that) and was telling the lady they should be taken off the sand and of course she did not listen.
I did not realize getting a job at a pet store automatically gives you the knowledge of all the animals in the animal kingdom... most of you should know what I am talking about.

That same lady was telling me that “adult leos” can eat seeds (lentils in particular). As she is babbling on about this I am thinking what the hell is she talking about, then it hit me “Uromastyx!”. I Then ask her if she was talking about uromastyx. She says yes so I tell her that uromastyx are not leopard geckos. AND guess what she says “I thought they where the same thing”………………………… Are you freaking kidding me!!! :main_huh::main_huh::main_huh: They don’t even look alike.:main_robin:

So there’s my rant. Hope you had fun LOL.
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New Member
That's funny in a sad, dark sorta way that people can be so damn stupid. It's sad the animals have to suffer.


OMG I just had to deal with that. Someone was asking if their gecko's home was okay, and I and other people said it was great but that they should take it off sand, and they were all 'Well she likes it so there.' >.>

I think we might be talking about the same thing. Point is, people shouldn't be so ignorant. I forget who said it, but I read a comment that someone posted a while ago about how people ask questions to be validated, not corrected, and I agree. Don't ask if you're not going to take criticism. It's immature and really shows that you don't care at all whether your gecko lives or dies. Personally I think that kind of pride and ignorance is really sick.

Haha, sorry about that little rant. I was all AUGH!!! Okay, I'm done. :)

OMG I just had to deal with that. Someone was asking if their gecko's home was okay, and I and other people said it was great but that they should take it off sand, and they were all 'Well she likes it so there.' >.>

I think we might be talking about the same thing. Point is, people shouldn't be so ignorant. I forget who said it, but I read a comment that someone posted a while ago about how people ask questions to be validated, not corrected, and I agree. Don't ask if you're not going to take criticism. It's immature and really shows that you don't care at all whether your gecko lives or dies. Personally I think that kind of pride and ignorance is really sick.

Haha, sorry about that little rant. I was all AUGH!!! Okay, I'm done. :)

Its been the last 2 weeks or so iv seen a few threads (more the usual) with geckos on sand and I have only seen one person say ill take the sand out ASAP.
I did not post anything on these as there was already 10 or some people that said it =P

We don’t need to name the people that have said it as they have already gotten enough criticism from us.
It’s not criticism but for them it is.


New Member
People don't listen because it hurts their egos. I deal with the same problems with fish keepers, reptile keepers, and dog and cat owners. I work at an animal hospital and I deal with people and their stupidity with animals daily. No one listens.


Its been the last 2 weeks or so iv seen a few threads (more the usual) with geckos on sand and I have only seen one person say ill take the sand out ASAP.
I did not post anything on these as there was already 10 or some people that said it =P

We don’t need to name the people that have said it as they have already gotten enough criticism from us.
It’s not criticism but for them it is.

I know another person on here who is taking their leo off sand too! but yes you are right in the fact that the forum seems to be filling up with posts about sand in vivs. The majority of the blame however seems to be handed over to the pet stores for recommending the cali sand. But looking at it from another point of view to even the argument, they are their to sell and probably don't know (unless you tell them) that sand is harmful and are trying to sell you the most expensive product available. so New gecko buyers beware, not all pet shops know exactly what they are on about!lol!


is behind you.
Prince George, BC
Currently, we're keeping our leos (at the store where I work) on sand, and for the record, we haven't had problems with them, but first chance I get I'm switching them to paper towels! I've already okayed it with my manager and the bearded dragons are already on paper towels. I tell everyone who is interested in buying a leo that they do better on repticarpet or paper towels because of...well you all know. :p Most people seem relieved that they don't have to spend an arm and a leg to keep their lizard healthy. lol

And the leos are on sand right now because at the time I wasn't allowed to use paper towels. My supervisor said that it just looked better and to use it. :\

But I know what you mean. I bet the people at that chain store up the street from me must get really annoyed with me. I'll come into their reptile section and tell them what's wrong with their setups. (Usually it's nothing major just small things like: hermit crabs need sponges to drink from, and the uromastyx had sand up his nose. lol) If I didn't trust the store though I wouldn't have gotten Tiamat from them (they get their leos from a local breeder and they usually look fantastic - they're all larger youngun's with big fat tails and bright eyes. :) ) And the one girl that works there just kinda rolls her eyes at me. Unforunately, there have been times where I'VE been the one giving misinformation....I told a customer that anoles don't lose their tails....which they do, I later found out and that bearded dragons needed calcium every day. I'm much wiser now and if I don't know something I say I don't....I just felt pressured to be able to know something at the time.

Also the title of this thread made me think of that stupid pirate joke:

A pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel stuck down his pants and a guy asks him, "Hey, why do you have that wheel stuck down your pants?" To which the pirate replies, 'Arr, it's driven me nuts!" *rimshot*


well done on trying and achieving changes in the stores though, I'm sure they are all happier :) !
It's people like you that we need more of for pointing things out to people who may not know better. I have never been brave enough to do it myself yet (though i do mutter to myself about it when I'm there), but this thread and your words have inspired me to do so even if i do get odd looks etc..:2thumbsup:

Amazing joke by the way! definatly a winner there hahahahaha!


p.s I shall do a thread on it to say how it!

Retribution Reptiles

Stripe King
NE Ohio
In all reality, people buy leos from a pet store then people on here tell them how they are taking care of their leo wrong. I think that people that tell others what to do should first think about how they do it then second be polite. Don't sit there and tell people you know that you are going to kill your gecko with them on that sand. well there is a chance of causing impaction yes but we all could be a little more polite about it.

I've already okayed it with my manager and the bearded dragons are already on paper towels.
Beardeds are ok to live on sand (they live on sand in the wild so they know how to deal with sand in there bellies lol). Bearded dragons are so messy so news paper is what I use because its so easy to clean =P

A pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel stuck down his pants and a guy asks him, "Hey, why do you have that wheel stuck down your pants?" To which the pirate replies, 'Arr, it's driven me nuts!" *rimshot*

In all reality, people buy leos from a pet store then people on here tell them how they are taking care of their leo wrong. I think that people that tell others what to do should first think about how they do it then second be polite. Don't sit there and tell people you know that you are going to kill your gecko with them on that sand. well there is a chance of causing impaction yes but we all could be a little more polite about it.

I think most of the people that say this are being very polite about it.
But most of them take it the wrong way (it is hard to tell what emotion your putting off when your typing it out).


New Member
Luckily when I bought my leo the lady at the pet store recommended repticarpet, so thats what I bought. I was considering sand though glad I found this post no sand for me.


New Member
I've given up trying to "Educate" people when they already know the consequences. I'm not "Captain Save a Leo," lol. I only worry about my own pets now a days. In a lot of those post there are a bunch of people talking about the sand, I just turn around and say "Nice Leo."

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