Just a funny story.


New Member
Clarksville, TN
Yesterday I was sitting on my couch and I kept hearing a sound. So I set up and started listening and it the distinctive sound of a gecko hissing. I thought to my self way are my girls not getting along they have always been together. So I go investigate. I walk through my kitchen to my back room were I keep my clan and pull back the curtain hanging in the doorway. To my surprise and amazement I found an 8 pound orange stripped gecko sitting in my lil girls tank. ( Note there is no such thing as an 8 pound gecko. I do how ever own an 8 pound orange tabby cat with white strips.) I was in a state of shook I didn't know rather to laugh or be mad at him for destroying there tank. U see Mac (the cat) very much loves all of our geckos. He plays with them and doesn't try to hurt them he is the weirdest cat I have ever owned. So when I found him in the tank I know he wasn't hurting them but you can image what an 8 pound orange cat looks like in a tank with 5 geckos all around him. It was so funny I felt I had to shear this story. Also I did punish Mac for me having to clean there tank. I couldn't be to mad at him he just wanted to play. I just wish he would have asked first. lol Hope it makes someone laugh today.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
That was pretty funny. I once heard a noise and it was one of my geckos that had gotten out and was parading around in front of the cats in the kitchen. Be aware that even though he doesn't seem to be hurting the geckos, there can be tragic consequences. I have lost other geckos to my eager cats, so be careful.



New Member
Clarksville, TN
I'v also had that one happen as well. That's how I recognized the sound this time around. The first time I heard one of them hiss my Tremper Albino (aka Albert) had got out of his tub some how and Mac the cat was watching him and he did not like it at all. Were talking about a gecko that was maybe 8 grams at the time. Such a big sound for such a lil boy. lol I do realize Mac is still a cat tho and I did discipline him for it. I also fixed the lid so he can't do it any more. So don't worry mister Mac won't be getting back in the tank any time soon. I do appreciate the concern tho. That's why I like this site everyone seems to genuinely care. Thank U very much.


I'll take it as funny story as none got hurt, but same time it's not really funny, your cat shouldn't be able to go to the point to be in the tank of the gecko, and we should always be aware that we're wrong with all the antropomorphisme we make up with our animals or pets, a gecko will never "play" with a cat and even less appreciate it, he'll maybe tolerate it as it have not much choice actually...and a cat will a moment or another always end by killing the gecko as it's instinct will go over it, you can't be "know he'll not hurt them"...Animals works on instinct mainly and does not have the same conscience and awarness of their acts than us humans.
Do not take it wrong as it's not the meaining of my answer, just wants to remind that we should avoid all useless stress and risks for our animals, to be preventive and careful at most as an accident happen faster as we think...


New Member
Clarksville, TN
Ok I understand what your saying and the consern but it all most sounds like u think I did it on purpose. Witch is not the case I'v had my gecko's and the cat for almost a year now and he has never done this before. So there for I had know reason to think I needed to reinforce the lid on there tank. Also I'm not ignorant to the fact that instinct will always win out in the end. I took care of the problem immediately following the event. I was just trying to make the best out of what could have been a terrible situation. Its better to Laugh about it than to dwell on what could have been.


Don't worry, wasn't meaning it at all and not against you neither...as i said i take it as funny too as none got hurt, wanted just to remind anyone who could read it that an accident can easily happen and that we must be conscient of certains things.


New Member
Los Angeles, CA
I agree with JB. While i did laugh my ass off reading this thread, (I've had many of my own strange encounters like this, both funny and devastating), I do agree that other new reptile owners reading this need to realize that its not always a funny situation when different species of pets intermingle...

On a brighter note...kind of

This one time my girlfriend was gardening on our balcony, and every year we have these ANNOYING pigeons that make a base camp in the corner under some storage stuff out there. Well normally we dont mind, except when i'm sleeping and all you hear is them Cooing each other all morning, but i usually just go out and shoo them away.

We have the screen open, its a nice day and our house-free Red Tegu decides to take a stroll onto the balcony, which we let him do on occasion with never any harm done. My girlfriend says hi to him as she passes by to go fill the water can and less than a few seconds later all I hear is a scruffle outside and a bird squaking like nuts. I run to the balcony and what i do i find?

A FULL GROWN FATASS PIGEON clenched in the Tegu Death Chomp! It took ten minutes for me to wrangle the bird out of his mouth. Lucky for the poor bird our scaly friend only got a mouthful feathers.

I know it sounds like a terrible story and like animal neglect or whatever, but TO THIS DAY that same pigeon still camps out in the SAME spot! Even decided it was the perfect place to lay eggs and raise baby pigeons...

I'll never understand nature lol


New Member
Los Angeles, CA
At the time My heart was racing, i was freaking out and thought I was the worst pet parent ever. Never would i have thought our pet tegu would try and eat a full grown pigeon. He wasn't hungry. Like JB said, animals will always have their instincts.

Its a funny story now, but it could have ended a WHOLE lot worse for both animals. Stuff happens. We have to be the responsible ones to prevent these things from happening too often!


New Member
Clarksville, TN
Lmao that's funny. You didn't like the birds and your tagu dis-sided it won'ted to help with the problem. lol. I do understand tho were JB and you are coming from. I get it I just don't want people to think I'm a complete idiot. Mac really had never gave me a reason to be worried about it. He had never shown any interest in getting in to my tanks so I never thought about it. Its been a full year that we have had our animals with out incident. I keep most of my geckos in my rack witch is on the wall. My two tanks have at least 4 females in them at a time and witch ever male I have chosen for that round of breeding. I rotate my male and my female so everyone gets a break and everyone can have room to stretch out. I don't like them being shut up in lil tots all the time it just feels cruel to me. I have 2 gravid females that I'm shur didn't appreciate a large orange cat sitting in there tank. I took care of the problem tho and now everyone is safe and happy. It was a learning experience that I will never forget ,trust me. lol. I guess when I'v been doing this as long as some of yall I will have seen a lil bit of everything i suppose. But no I didn't mean anything by what I said I'm very strongly opinionated and will defend my self if I feel my character is being attacked. Being new in this world I can't afford to get a bad rep right out of the gate. I really want to find my hatch-lings good homes when they hatch. I feel from a business stand point you can understand my concern with being labeled as anything else but fantastic. lol. I have things to learn and love getting tips from people that are established in this bizz. So don't take me the wrong way I just really would like my lil hobby to go some were in the futcher for my sons benefit. Any profit I make on what my geckos would naturally do anyway will be put away for my son. I'm a stay at home mom I want to do something that I can have fun with and if all go's well it will help out the house hold in the end. That is all this mom wants. lol Thank u yall

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