Just got back with new gecko, it's head twitches


New Member
I call all animals babies. My 10 year old cat gets called Finn Kitty Baby. Sorry for the confusion on that. >_>

And about the fecal sample, yeah, sorry about that. Blonde moment I guess. -_- I still stand by my vet comment, and maybe you should mix up some Gecko Slurry just in case? I do tend to overreact though.


New Member
lol that's perfectly fine

I called the breeder so hopefully they'll get back to me in the morning. Apparently if I do go to the vet it voids my "warranty"

So I contacted them again, now the 3rd time so hopefully they get back to me soon, and maybe I'll get lucky and catch a good fecal


New Member
Well some good news: she's been popping her head out and walking around a lot more now! She comes out earlier and earlier, now she looks around to see if I'm there at around 6pm which is the earliest yet (if she sees me she still bolts for the hide though lol). Last night she took a walk around for a while too. I haven't really noticed any twitching so that might have just been stressed

The bad news - still not eating anything, I put 3 crickets in with the back legs off so they can't jump into her hide, they're still there she hasn't gone for them at all. Also presenting food to her directly with something like forceps seems to just scare her

Also I found she finally pooped, but it looks like it might not be normal:


From the pictures I've seen, doesn't it usually look much more well formed? The breeder told me not to take it into a vet and to bring it to them instead if something was wrong, but I've e-mailed them several times and no one's gotten back to me. Does this looks like it could be parasites or anything I should be worried about here?

Is a close up possible?


Glittering Geckos
Manitoba, Canada
Just my two cents, but it looks like she's not twitching. Looks like she's quickly sticking her her tongue in an out, tasting her new home. Mine do that all the time.


New Member
Just my two cents, but it looks like she's not twitching. Looks like she's quickly sticking her her tongue in an out, tasting her new home. Mine do that all the time.

thanks, yea it seems to have stopped completely though which is good I guess. The abnormal looking poop is my main concern now.


New Member
Columbus, Ohio
I'd suspect parasites. Tiny mite infestation? Looks like shes trying to shake something. Ie; has an itch like someone said. I'd take her to the vet. Especially considering the breeder apparently has no clue what they are talking about(Enigma??????, Tremper RAPTOR?, Vet voids warranty?????) Wow, whats with the "voiding of warranty"?? Sounds like they are hiding something. ALL RAPTORS are tremper. Which this one is not RAPTOR btw. Like Chrissy said, the eye would be completely red. Cute little girl! Take care of her!
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New Member
I agree with Laney, when I got my 2nd leo her first bowel didnt look well at all, but after she settled and let the temps do the job it was sweet sailing. Sorry this is happening to your bro especially after you put alot of time to make sure everythings correct.


New Member
well some luck! She finally ate this morning! Last night I was up studying late, saw she was finally hanging out outside the hide, and it looked like she was checking for food. She wasn't able to track down the crickets so this morning I put in a few mealworms with forceps and she pounced on the forceps! I kept tossing some in there she must have eaten at least 5-7 mealworms. Then went right to the warm spot in the tank which shes never gone to before.

Hoping the odd bowel was just from something she ate earlier or just from stress, I'll wait and see what happens still, if I get another weird one I'll take it in for a fecal, also breeder should be contacting me today so maybe they can give some insight as well


New Member
Canandaigua, NY
I never saw anything wrong with the way she moved. I dont see any twitches or abnormal redness in her ear. Although it is hard to see stuff on video rather than seeing the real thing. She looks perfectly healthy to me.

Except that fecal! That is not a good sign at all.

What are the temps on the floor of the hot side? It definitely looks undigested.
Parasites are generally the most common ailment to cause food to pass undigested. Honestly the likeliness that you are going to find "a stool really has to be in the fridge within an hour or so and in the vet within a few hours after that" is just highly unlikely unless you are watching your gecko 24/7. Any sample that is wet/relatively fresh can be kept in the fridge overnight to be taken to the vet. Those that analyze fecal samples prefer as fresh as possible but obviously a vet understands that there may be an over count.
The main concern is that the vet can confirm what kind of parasite/bacteria is infecting the gecko so that they know what medicine to treat with.

I suggest the next fecal sample if it is not better digested should be taken to the vet and have her checked out.

Also sounds like you are fussing over her a little too much. She is stressed, in a new home with this strange guy that is video taping her and keeps watching her. LOL she needs several days of quiet time.
Offer her food every other day. She is an adult and they do not eat daily. The only interaction she should be getting is you putting the food out. Check back a couple hours later to see if she has eaten, remove uneaten crickets. If she doesnt eat then no big deal. You have had her for about a week? Many geckos dont start eating for 2+ weeks aftering coming into a new home.

I am not saying you are doing a bad job or trying to make fun of you. I think its fantastic that you are paying this much attention to the details of your gecko! Many new gecko owners dont and that is when geckos get in to trouble. I just think you need to let her be and de-stress for a while, and then see what happens.
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New Member
well some luck! She finally ate this morning! Last night I was up studying late, saw she was finally hanging out outside the hide, and it looked like she was checking for food. She wasn't able to track down the crickets so this morning I put in a few mealworms with forceps and she pounced on the forceps! I kept tossing some in there she must have eaten at least 5-7 mealworms. Then went right to the warm spot in the tank which shes never gone to before.

Hoping the odd bowel was just from something she ate earlier or just from stress, I'll wait and see what happens still, if I get another weird one I'll take it in for a fecal, also breeder should be contacting me today so maybe they can give some insight as well

great news:)


New Member
I agree with Laney, when I got my 2nd leo her first bowel didnt look well at all, but after she settled and let the temps do the job it was sweet sailing. Sorry this is happening to your bro especially after you put alot of time to make sure everythings correct.

yea it would make sense if it doesn't happen again.

She wouldn't leave the moist hide for days, and the temps in there only peak at 80. When she ate this morning she immediately ran to the hot side which was still warming up but reaches 88-90 or so. so I'm hoping the next one is normal, if not I'll get it to the vet

I also just got back from classes, she already seems more active today than normal so I have high hopes that the abnormal poop was just from her being at the show, then coming here and refusing to go to warm spots of the tank. The breeder drove pretty far to attend the show, and they weren't kept in anything heated at the show, so who knows how long it was since she had last eaten and made it over to some warm area to digest.

I'll update here after she ends up going again


New Member
yea it would make sense if it doesn't happen again.

She wouldn't leave the moist hide for days, and the temps in there only peak at 80. When she ate this morning she immediately ran to the hot side which was still warming up but reaches 88-90 or so. so I'm hoping the next one is normal, if not I'll get it to the vet

I also just got back from classes, she already seems more active today than normal so I have high hopes that the abnormal poop was just from her being at the show, then coming here and refusing to go to warm spots of the tank. The breeder drove pretty far to attend the show, and they weren't kept in anything heated at the show, so who knows how long it was since she had last eaten and made it over to some warm area to digest.

I'll update here after she ends up going again

Just wanted to let you know that you can leave the heat mat on at night. I am guessing that is why you said the temp only peaks at 80. Just in case you didn't know. I think most people do. Glad she is eating:)


New Member
Just wanted to let you know that you can leave the heat mat on at night. I am guessing that is why you said the temp only peaks at 80. Just in case you didn't know. I think most people do. Glad she is eating:)

ooooh I didn't know that! My apartment is kind of warm right now though (about 77) the building turned the heat on already and its over 70 outside....what the logic was behind that I don't know but it's not getting any cooler in here lol I'll turn it on though and see what the temps are. its always below 80 in the moist hide and on the cool side so its not like shed have no place to go, I'll try that out

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