Select Gex

New Member
Boston, MA
Holding things inside is bad, right? Oh man. I need to vent.

Why is college so expensive? Why did my parents not save better so that I do not have to worry about it? Why is that the state pays for people who seem less qualified to be here than I do?

Why does my mom make decisions that are destructive to her health and she knows it. Why can she not understand that what she is doing won't let her body last much longer.

Why do all your friends seem to go away at once? A stupid disagreement with one person and the whole group seems to get upset with you but not actually tell you. I live on a CoEd hall and it seems the one person I have an argument with has pulled everyone to her side and made me look like an awful person. I sit here and have no one to console in, have fun with, or ..damn it.


K, thanks.


New Member
I'm so sorry Matt! I know it's not much of a consolation but I know exactly how you feel. If you need someone to console in, I'm here for you. I know how much it can help.



New Member
Lake Berryessa/Napa, Calif
I hope you feel better Matt. When it comes to college expensses I know what you mean. I won't tell you how much in Student loans I needed to go to ITT Tech. but I could be driving a Brand new GMC Sierra with a Super cab and alot of extras.


Rockin the Suburbs
Rock Hill, SC
Friends can be harshly cruel at times. Its times like these you find some of your truest friends. I have mabye 3 close friends. But they are 3 of the best people I have ever met that I see on a regular basis. Matt, I hope all works out. Just know, you have many friends here.


New Member
Aww sorry to hear that but I know how you feel.

I go to a city college and half the people there are literally being handed $1,000 checks at the end of the semester, plus tutition paid in full when they are barely passing. While I bust my behind to get the grades to qualify for scholarships and for the opportunity to transfer with the hope of getting some fincial aid.

My father is the same way about his health. He drinks, eats bad food when he has numerous health problems, and many possible health problems if he continues, but he really doesn't care. Some people just have to do it their way even if it hurts them.

As for the "friends", they aren't that good if they walked away from you because a disagreement you have with another person. As for the person soon she'll be alone because all the people that are on her side will soon fade and get over the whole thing. KARMA! College is such drama though, there are people that live off of it, so don't worry. She wont be the first and definately not the last.

But I know how it feels, thats life... you just have to learn to live it and move on.. :)


Mod Squad Member
Hang in there. I won't pretend to know what you're feeling, but I did go to college - 6 1/2 years of it - and was in the Army Reserves to help pay for it. The rest I got in grants and student loans. It totally sucks, but is so worth it in the end!!

Hope venting helped you feel better. :) I wish the answers were really simple in life sometimes. *sigh*

Select Gex

New Member
Boston, MA
Thanks guys, I feel much better now :) Thanks. Keeping stuff inside makes me feel terrible, and posting here was my way of venting since my roommate had left already...

Thanks again :)


Don't Say It's Impossible
Gainesville, Fl
Matt- I'm glad you're feeling better. I guess what I can say is this:

stay away from the drama...it needs to be left in high school where it belongs. You are in college to better yourself and have a good future, not to make tons of friends and be social.

And a true friend is always there for you and would never want to hurt you in any way. All of the people I thought were my friends have left and I can't even get in touch with them anymore. My advice is to not let them bother you. Make some new friends.

And as for your mom, I know how you feel...my dad has cancer yet he still smokes.... doesn't seem like he cares too much. My advice is to love her and show her how much you still love her. Tell her how you feel. She's your mom and you should be open with her.


New Member
Sounds like a lot to worry about. I feel ya on the college tuition thing. When I was in middle school I told my parents they needed to save for my college, and they told me no that I had to get Hope (GA college aid). Needless did they know I'm registered for school in Alabama, which means no Hope. It's a loan for me. :-\


malt_geckos said:
stay away from the drama...it needs to be left in high school where it belongs.

Ha... it only goes away until you enter the job market :main_rolleyes:
But I agree... rise above the drama. There is nothing to be gained by dwelling on the negative.

And do not blame your parents for not saving enough... it's wonderful when parents can give their kids the gift of higher education, but it's not an entitlement. It is what it is. Be thankful your parents were able to put a roof over your head and food on the table for as long as they have.

Likewise, don't try to parent your parents... I get caught up in the same worries, but in the end it is their lives, their choices to make. It can help to sit down and talk to them, express how you feel about it, but don't suggest you know what's best for them.


New Member
Weymouth MA
Hang tough man! College is nothing but a pressure cooker. I paid my own way through too & believe me, it sucked. I worked some pretty awful jobs just to get a pay check...bottle redemption has NO redeeming qualities!!! Bottom line--you can't always depend on your parents. Some how you find a way to pay for it & get through it. I hope things look up soon. Goog luck.
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Dude no worries about the parents not planning for college better. I am in the same boat. They actually didnt save a dime for it. Soooo its student loans up the WAZOOO! 100k+ worth of loans is wat im expecting when graduating. But all you can do is do the best you can while in school and try not to worry!

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