Keeping an eye on the Emerine


Rockin the Suburbs
Rock Hill, SC
Ok, has anyone else kept an eye on these? I will say on their release, and at Daytona, I was NOT impressed. However some of them I see now on a certain website, are remarkable. Just figured since I spoke how i didnt like them a few months back, I would admit they have become a VERY nice morph


Yup, there are a few that I would love to snatch up... even if I don't buy into the marketing, on a case by case basis there are definitely some that are worthy of attention...


Rockin the Suburbs
Rock Hill, SC
Use context clues, Im not saying this persons name Ill be banned lol. But There is a website with amazing emerines THAT WERENT SO AMAZING in Daytona lol!


How would you get banned for mentioning his name. You are not making any personal attacks or negative remarks about him. Most TOS aggreements are meant to stop foul play and libel, not to silence all talk. I think you will be fine.


Mod Squad Member
OK, I checked them out. I'm not impressed (and I've looked at them on several different monitors.) Honestly, I can't even figure out what is an emerine vs. "het" for emerine, since some of the "hets" look more green than the emerines. :main_huh:


Rockin the Suburbs
Rock Hill, SC
Yeah I dont understand the hets. But I will say, a few of those are breathtaking..mabey my monitor is broke and making them look better than they are lol. I dunoooo...


About the emerines

i did personally like the emerines at daytona. i also did buy a pair of them. because i belive there is some potential there that i wanted to get into my collection to work on. like i need another thing to work on.:D
The thing with the emerine is that it is something that needs to be worked on and line bred. you get the green color when you put the orange over the lavender. all of the babies that i have, that have the green on them started as lavender looking. and as the tangerine came in the color did turn more greenish in color. also the bad part with the green is that it is hard to get a good picture of it naturally. you almost have to take them out side with no flash and it might show up. if any one knows a way to get the green to show up better please let us know.

as far as what you might see with the emerines is well one that they be line bred for more and better looking green. also i am crossing them to animals that keep the lavender all of there life (fasciolatus). (I still will be keeping a pure line of Fasciolatus for all of you that want it to be kept pure). also the emerines will be crossed into the enigmas to see what will pop out of that.

now as far a the name dropping.
putting some one website up is the same as saying there name. every one here knows who you are talking about. im not saying dont do it you can do what ever you want. but in my opinion it is the same thing as saying there name.

i dont care what anyone thinks of any one else. we are all aloud to have are opinion.

But IMO Ron Tremper has done a lot for this hobby, i dont care what anyone thinks of how he sells his stuff and how it is marketed , im not here to fight about that i can see both sides of that story. but that has nothing to do with the animals that he has created over the years.

Ron is a very nice guy. and he will be the first to tell you that the gecko playing field is leveling out. so out of respect lets leave Ron's name and his website out of this and lets see what comes out of the emerine. not every one will like every morph.:main_thumbsup:


Rockin the Suburbs
Rock Hill, SC
Matt, if you notice, I tried hard to not say a name or website, either way I was COMMENDING his work. I did not like the Emerines in Daytona. Yeah they could be nice (as i think they are now) But wasnt impressed with the first few at Daytona. I did also see potential in this morph. As with the tangerines, the first ones were not that nice, but now look at them. Im sure in a few years the Emerines will be Amazing! But please do not say I was bad mouthing anyone, thats not the thread I started, I was simpley stating The geckos were looking AMAZING now. And for the record, everyone did NOT know who I was talking about....or they would not have asked. Ifigured the ones asking deserved to see the newer nicer Emerines thereself, so I posted the link.


New Member
I'm with Matt on this whole heartedly on judging the animal, not the breeder.

Chris posted praising his work and that's where is should have stayed. So in the nicest way I can say it... Don't say anything if you only have negative things to say about an individual. Their is enough negativity in this world without adding to it.

I too have been negative and have learned from my mistakes;)
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Active Member
Lake Worth, FL
I didn't see any grass green geckos at Daytona but that one big yellow with lemon/lime highlights and deep orange side striping was one of the most beautiful animals I've ever seen. Even if that was the end of the road for the "greens", I'd call it a success. If anyone can realize the full potential of a trait it's Ron so we'll see soon enough. The whole Emerald thing has made many of us who've seen the greenish colors in our own collections sit back and take another look. No matter what's on Ron's table it always creates quite a buzz at Daytona. Ten years ago he had a tang albino that got me inspired to expand my projects after a few years of reptile burnout and having sold most of my collection. He produced the first jungles in the early 90s, many of which would still create alot of excitement even today - that's quite a statement with all the incredible morphs we now display on computer screens all over the world. Giants, Aptors, Raptors, "The book" ... on and on. Everyone wants to have "their line" of special animal. Thanks to people like Ron, Mark Bell, Kelli and Albey we are given a giant head start toward that goal. It takes alot more than a year or two of combining the results of someone else's many years of hard work to create something you can truly call your own. Though I've only purchased ONE gecko directly from Ron (a super giant this year just to have one), indirectly my collection contains many of his works of art. The pleasure of talking with Ron and his gorgeous wife Marilyn is one of the highlights of a trip to Daytona.


Mod Squad Member
I'm certainly not bashing Ron at all............he's helped the leopard gecko world by leaps and bounds. I'm just not *personally* impressed by the emerines, nor do I understand how his "hets" work - since some of the "hets" appear more green than the "emerines" - especially if this is a line bred trait. Now, I haven't seen one in person, and maybe when I do, I will be amazed at their greeness. ;)

Some of the geckos that are on his site are gorgeous - including some emerines - but they just don't look any different *to me* than some gecko morphs that already exisit. Like Dan said, in a few years, maybe something will come of this all. As for me, I will just focus on the WAAAAAAAAAAAY too many projects I already have, and wait for others working with emerines to show some cool results. ;)


New Member
Chicago, IL
I personally like this morph and it's potential. It also is very subtle, but can be striking. JMG reptiles has some of this influence in his red stripe projects. The female I got from him is showing some nice green hues. I've also noticed (and picked up) some animals with emerine influence here and there from one chain in my area. I think with work and artful diligence it could provide the most exciting color backdrop since the original breeding of orange into the species. That's just my opinion though...and I still can't wait for somebody to successfully breed some blue ones!


New Member
Fort Worth, TX
Wow, old thread that got bumped! I personally have grown to love the Emerines for what they are. I crossed mine with my Bells and have produced some amazing looking hets, so I am certainly happy I got some.

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