Keeping crestie cool



Im sorry, but how do people not have air conditioning? i mean seriously, you own an animal and should be able to not kill it with heat. And air conditioners are something that have been around for how long?

Sorry for flaming


In some parts of the country, an air conditioner isn't necessary because there are so few days when the temperature is high. Furthermore, this person has other options. The basement is the easy option, but she was asking for suggestions for others. If we were all independently wealthy, we'd have idealized habitats for all of our animals. We aren't, so we do the best we can with what we have. This crestie is going to be perfectly comfortable in the basement.



Staff member
Somerville, MA
I don't mind the air conditioner question. Last night the power went out 3 times (luckily high temps made things OK for my incubator). This happened because we're having a heat wave and everyone was running multiple air conditioners. In the summer I open all the windows and run fans. I'm still hot, but my house smells and feels like summer, my favorite season, not a walk-in fridge. I might do things differently if I lived in Florida, for example, but here in Massachusetts there's usually a sea breeze and we don't get 100+ temps all summer. With that philosophy in mind, to air condition my house for 1 crested gecko would be a little silly. Fortunately, I've got the basement, where he's thriving. Even more fortunately, the weather's supposed to break today, and if it does, Spencer can come back up where I can see him regularly. As you may be able to tell from the date of the first post on this thread, I've been thinking for many months about Spencer's comfort. If I didn't have the basement option I would even have considered "lending" him to a friend with air conditioning so he would be comfortable. Now, maybe I should consider adding a sauna for my day geckos . . .


A/c really isn't necessary here. We only have 1 1/2 to two months here where it hits 90 degrees. We have really cold, long, snowy winters. Cold Autumn and wet cold spring.

Alot of people don't have a/c here cause they don't want to run it and pay for it for only a short period of time.

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