this is kelli's giant bell, cheeto. i bought him from her (kelli) back in (late 2004 early 2005) and then sold him to melody (concrete jungles) when i had my first corneal transplant (i can't remember the date) and then kelli got him back i guess a year or so ago? i am not sure exactly. so this is an OLD photo of him as a lil juvi/subadult
Mateusz, no i do not. when kelli see's this perhaps she can give you his weight. she says though when she gets babies from breeding him, one is generally larger than the other, one is normal sized and the other larger than normal. he has no tremper giant in him at all. pure bell albino. when i bred him it was the same always one hatchling larger than the other.
i know this is an old thread, but i'm lucky enough to have gotten Cheeto from Kelli last year. i weighed him tonight and he's topping 90 grams at breeding weight. here's a pic i took, and sorry he was just finishing shedding...
oh and yeah, he's still at it. locked with 5 girls so far and all are gravid...