Kinda freaking out...

o0 Ryan 0o

Staff member
York, PA
Well, some of you may know I was hoping to get a job working for my biggest client a little ago. Well things didn't really go as planned...I always seem to get dicked around. I was giving myself until the end of September to try and get in. After that I was going to go look for a fulltime job on my own. I can't take working from home anymore. Well, the last week of Sept my boss told me he was interviewing for a new job and this sort of changed everything. I was really hoping to work with Frank, he is the freaking man. I know Frank though, you'd be a fool to not hire him and sure enough he got hired.

Now everything is happening soo fast. Franks has one week of work left. He's recommending me for his job and I finally have a meeting setup with his boss on Tuesday. I don't know what to expect really. I don't know if this is a quick meeting or if this is going to be an interview. Frank just said that his boss wants to talk to me.

I'm trying to get my bearings straight and figure out what I want to say. There's so many things I want to do to help this company move forward in the future. Plus I'd love to be at everyones disposal to work on lots of odds and ends projects. There's really no end to the work I can do for these people. I just really hope I can make these people see this. I have over 4.5 years wrapped up into this company. I've always wanted to work for them and I don't want to throw it away. At the same time I don't want to overdo everything and talk too much about my plans and ideas...I need to save that for when I'm there working hopefully.

I don't know, this is just soo weird. I always wanted in, but I never wanted it to happen like this. I guess you have to play with the cards you're dealt though. I really hope I can get in there, even if it's just a trial. If it doesn't work out, I'm still going to work for them on the side. I want to get a fulltime job still. So I plan to bust my but at work and at home. Not only do I have 10-40 hours of work from them a week, but I have my other clients on the side, as well as our geckos and gecko site to keep up with. I hope I can do it. I'm going to do it until I can't take it anymore. I don't want to throw away what I have with this company so I'll still work on the side hoping for the best until I'm spent.

So I'm kinda freaking out. I'm excited, scared, anxious, worried, you name it. I just hope I can get this figured out. I really want a fulltime job and the steady pay. Working on the side is too random, partly my own fault. I want a house so bad, so I'm going to figure something out. I just really hope it's with this company. They've been around for over a century and they're worldwide. It's endless work. Ah, I hope it works out!
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Jeremy Letkey

Jaded by reality!!
outta my freakin mind
First... Breathe. Deep breath in... now let it out. Good.

Relax and enjoy. With the recommendation (from Frank), your skills and enthusiasm, you'll do just fine.

Try to have Frank give you a written recommendation. It will help.

Good luck.


New Member
Fort Worth, TX
Ryan, I know you as a professional, kind, honest and intelligent man who is very good at what he does. Any company would be lucky to have you as an employee. Best of luck with this one, but remember, if it's meant to be it will happen, if not then there is something better just around the bend...


I'm baaaaaack!
Wow that's definitely a lot to ponder and be anxious about ... but that can be a very good thing. It sounds like you have a lot of options on your plate, which is great because you have the ability to choose what it is you want to pursue.

Juggling all those endeavors isn't going to be easy, but I think you're entirely capable of managing it. I think a little self-discipline would go a long way in keeping up with all of your responsibilities. It may help to plot out your days/weeks so that you can allot time to dedicate to each of your projects and keep things running on schedule. It'll also help you to feel more organized and on top of things. You're capable of doing it, and you know that. Now the trick is just putting things into action.

Damn it would be swell if I could follow my own advice. lol

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Very cool, Ryan! I wish you the best! As a former emplyer, I know tht what really sticks out in my mind was when people asked lots of questions about what we were looking for and wanting accomplish, and a candidate that was not afraid of the challenges and conveyed that. You're right... sometimes if a perspective employee is too 'enthusiastic' about changing things right off the bat, it could appear that they weren't team players and were set in their ways about how things should be done.

You are very bright, talented, and have a lot to offer. Let them now that!

Grinning Geckos

Tegan onboard.
You have an advantage in that you have already worked with them ... having ideas won't be too out of place. I'd focus more on the enthusiasm of being able to work with them on a full time basis, and wanting to help make it an even better place. Too specific on just what you would do could send the worng message. I'd keep it basic til you're on the payroll!

o0 Ryan 0o

Staff member
York, PA
Thanks a bunch guys. I've been feeling a bunch better. I've had cold clammy hands all day, I was just out of sorts. I just really want this to work out.

The more and more I think about, I'm pretty much a shoe in and it's foolish for them to just throw me out. I've worked beside Frank, from home, for a long time. I'm actually thinking I may get hired on the spot. If not, I should be able to start working there on a trial basis at the very least. I hope this is the case. I guess we'll have to see.

I'll keep you guys posted. Thanks again for the kind words.

o0 Ryan 0o

Staff member
York, PA
I'm going to leave in 15min or so for my meeting/interview. I'm extremely excited to find out what my future is with this company. I'll post when I get back.

o0 Ryan 0o

Staff member
York, PA
Everything went well today. It was just supposed to be a quick meeting, but it turned in to a 45min interview-ish...I think haha. He told me later that I'm still going to have to apply to work and go through an interview process...but at least now I have an edge, plus 4.5+ years of experience.

Anyways, the guy was super excited to talk to me. Frank got to sit through everything with me. It was great, he would fill in my blanks and help out a ton. There's just soo much I did for this company, I couldnt remember it all so it was nice having him there. Everything went well until he said he wanted to hear about what backend work I do. I told him that I slice and program everything. All of the functionality I do. He's like yeah I know, but I need to know what back end stuff you do. I asked him if he meant databasing. He's like no, we don't really do that. WTF are you asking me guy haha. I finally said let me give you a scenario. Lets say I wanted to make an estore with a checkout, I would be really overwhelmed if I had to program that functionality from scratch. He goes oh no, we don't really program from scratch we'll just buy software to implement. He's like can you implement and configure software and make it work with our sites/projects. Are you kidding me! He gave me all that shit about knowing back end stuff and they don't even freaking build their own crap haha. Of course I can install, implement, configure, customize software. I told him about our forums and what I did...the nerdy stuff. I also told him, I'm handy modifying other web apps like blogs, gallerys, and oscommerce sites. So, I got frustrated (not for real of course) for nothing. The guy is hard to understand, ugh.

Now for more good news. He told me I can come in and work in house right now. He also told me he'd pay for any training I might need. That right there made me feel good. Also, I talked to Frank a little later and he told me that he talked to him about me for another 15min. So Frank said he thinks I'm golden. I got the same vibe too.

So I'm extremely excided, it looks like I'll have an awesome job in the near future! I'm going to have Val help me with a thank you email tonight and ask about coming in to work awhile. This is soo awesome, I just need to interview now. Thanks for the support guys.

o0 Ryan 0o

Staff member
York, PA
I'm going to start working in house tomorrow. Also, the bossman told me he wants me to work for him and take Franks place. So I'm good to go woo! I'll be working in house until I can get my interviews and such. Hopefully I'll be an employee and on the payroll soon. Ah man, steady income! I'm so excited!

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