Leo breeding


New Member
3 Year Member
Can every one tell me if this is the right way to breed leopard gecko. You need a lay box, egg tubs, egg substrat gram scale,ecubator,hatchly leo tanks, notoxic marker ,60 gram or more female, male.80 degree for females. Wait tell it is the right time of year and the geckos are at right wight. Enterduse the male to the female. Then put a lay box in. When the female begains to dig in the the box remove the male. Mark eggs with a notoxic marker befor moving them.Then place the eggs in a egg tub with 6 to 8 water substrate. Ecubate at 80 degree for female. Keep the humdity up at about 60 to 80 precent. Wait for eggs to hatch. The babys first meal should be the 1st time it sheds. Then began careing for it as any other leopard gecko.
Sorry for the bad spelling.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Close enough. The only thing I'd say different is that it's sounding like the "egg tub with 6 to 8 water substrate" has the eggs sitting in water. Most people use perlite, vermiculite or hatch-right mixed with water. Here's a website that describes how to mix perlite and water in the right amounts: http://www.albeysreptiles.com/incubate-eggs.htm

I'd recommend tryng about 82 for females. 80 is right at the bottom of what is acceptable and if it turns out that one part of the incubator is 80, but the part where the eggs are is 78, it could be too cool. Also, make sure your incubator has a high quality digital, proportional thermostat. The Hobovator doesn't have one of these thermostats (you'd have to buy one separately). The Zoo-med incubator (reptibator) does have one which is why it's more expensive. The females need to be well supplemented and healthy or else they either won't produce fertile eggs, or the babies won't survive to hatch.

Good luck.


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