Leo died of Fatty Liver Disease


New Member
Hi. I had a 2 year old gecko who stopped eating a few months ago. After a few trips to the vets, lots of tests (and lots of money later!) The vet diagnosed her with Fatty Liver Disease. She was opened up and the vet found that the liver was white and not in a good condition at all. I was told that at the stage it was as there is very little chance she would recover, I could have her back and syringe feed her for a while and see, but the chances are it would make no difference (I had already been doing this with medication with no change) So it was decided to have her put down so she didn't suffer any more.

She was fed on a diet of gut loaded locust and meal worms with the occasional wax worm treats. She was around 50 grams. I have 3 other females on the same diet who are in perfect health.

I asked the vet if there was anything I did wrong and he said 'sometimes it just happens', but does anyone know of anything I could have done to cause this? If so I want to learn from it and make sure I don't do the same thing with my other leos.


She was an amazing gecko, I couldn't have asked for a friendlier one :) Here is a pic of her.
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New Member
palmetto FL
Now, may i be corrected here if im wrong.

So far what ive learned on fld is that it is caused by extended periods of not eating and then being started up on a fatty diet. The liver looses its ability to properly process fats and then when the animal starts eating it cant process too many fats right causing the fld. Things like waxworms may not be the best thing to be feeding when you animal isnt processing fats properly. Also, isnt Fld normaly just a symptom that is secondhand to other possible issues?


New Member
Dusting of Calcium powder and multivits. She never had any periods of not eating until she gave up eating all together.


Phoenix Gecko :)
I went to the vet the other day for a check up and I used to dust every day, but he said if you dust every feeding they can get liver failure........He said dust 2Xper week :)

Sorry for your loss!

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