Leopard Gecko Love In NY



You know when I went to my local chain pet store I didn't expect to see anything special because let's face it they aren't the best pet stores on the planet. After almost 10 years of reef keeping i have seen every single pet store in my area close except the major chains. So I walked away from the hobby. I guess there was a hole in my heart because I'm a pet man. I come from parents with 13 dogs. I myself had 4 saltwater tanks (20, 29, 55, 110) running at once. So as I walked in to through petchain and stumbled across the leopard geckos something just came over me and I knew I found my calling.

So I went home and I did my research because no sane pet keeper buys without research. I learned everything I could about leopard geckos. I have spent weeks scouring the net and this great forum. Now its time for me to make my way in. I am developing my setup and for as cheap as possible because one thing I have learned is that many things can be done for cheap and just as well as the pros if you are willing to put in the work.
I am posting my potential setup in the Housing Forum under this link if I can get some feedback:


Also I am interested in purchasing the reptile local. Is there breeders around NY (I'm in Hudson Valley) that would let me come look at what they have? I just feel more comfortable talking to the person I'm buying from face to face and not take the risks that are associated with shipping. Plus I am looking for good priced dry goods so recommendations would be welcome.

Thanks everyone and it's great to be a part of this.


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
It's so nice to see people that prepare for a new pet instead of asking questions after the fact! Welcome to the forum and prepare to be addicted to Leos! You might try placing an ad in the Leopard Geckos: Wanted section to find a gecko locally.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I am in the Boston area, but I make regular runs to Albany and Lake Placid (I'm in Lake Placid now). My available geckos are on my website. I will also (as well as other people on here) be at the White Plains show on 1/25, which isn't too far from you.



haha funny enough i actually have an apartment in Boston, actually in Jamaica Plain. I will probably be at the show in white plains as well.

Snowy & Petra de Gecko

Howdy & Welcome to the Forum

Glad to have a new member.:main_thumbsup: There is a lot to learn from the forum.

Have Fun.:D

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