Leopard or Crested?

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
My crestie is 50x easier than the Leo .

Leo has shed problems, crestie has NEVER . Leo requires live food all the time, crestie eats pre made diet , and insects sometimes. Leo requires expensive lighting, crestie needs nothing. Leo needs low humidity , crestie can have high humidity which is easy to achieve with soil and plants.

The list goes on. I spend about $5 a month or less on my crestie, and about 10 on my leo not including vet visits sometimes. I also only spend about 2 minutes total a week taking care of crestie, compared to about 10 minutes every other day during the week with the leo.

Expensive lighting? :main_huh:


New Member
Between two terrariums
Also, I don't know about you but my leo ain't lazy. He jumps, he just doesn't stick when he lands. :laugh: He runs, too, even more so on warm days. He only gets lazy once he's under the buffet and decides he ain't coming out.


New Member
I say get a Leo.

Heating is not that expensive for a 10G tank, 10 dollar red nightlight bulb for day time and a small UTH for night.

My Leo will eat Freeze Dried Crickets out of a dish when live food is not available.

It's also easy to make home made hides and dishes.

You don't need expensive tank/heating set up's to properly care for them, just the basics and some TLC goes a long way.


New Member
I have both leos and cresties. Personaly I love them both But If I was a first time rep owner and had to choose one.....I would have prob picked my crestie only because they are easierto care for. Their food is easier to keep on hand then my leo food is. They r a little jumpier then the leos but most do calm down. I spot clean every evening ( most of mine like certain spots to poop in like the leos do) and I do a complete clean once a month. I put mine in tubs when I clean. The cresties do tend to loose their tails easier then a leo and they do not reginerate but a little frog butt is cute too,lol.

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