Lets Try this again....


New Member
I can't help but feel I have "stepped on toes" " hijacked threads" and caused an overall "ruckus " since I joined...

I've never intended to do any of the above, but when I stop and take a look back, I see all of it all out in the open. How rude of me...

Allot of it I believe has to do with the fact that I was constantly on another forum, and got used to the people there, and they're used to me. The other forum has lately seemed very slow... I'm forgetting that no one knows me here. I'm the new guy... I get it...

so I apologize.

I want to re - introduce myself so to speak. Start it all over. maybe on a better foot. Is that possible?



New Member
palmetto FL
I can't help but feel I have "stepped on toes" " hijacked threads" and caused an overall "ruckus " since I joined...

I've never intended to do any of the above, but when I stop and take a look back, I see all of it all out in the open. How rude of me...

Allot of it I believe has to do with the fact that I was constantly on another forum, and got used to the people there, and they're used to me. The other forum has lately seemed very slow... I'm forgetting that no one knows me here. I'm the new guy... I get it...

so I apologize.

I want to re - introduce myself so to speak. Start it all over. maybe on a better foot. Is that possible?


Eh, no worse then any other new member, im still steping on toes, sometimes with a steeltoe boot :D. Welcome To Geckoforums.


New Member
Fort Worth, TX
No worries dude, this is a great group of people here! Many of us just happen to also be opinionated and (sometimes) stubborn! But we all feel the love! You'll fit right in. ;-)

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