LG Pooping in Moist Hide - Seeking Suggestions


Western NY
I've had Leroy since August and he was using a corner on a 2nd level shelf in his cage up until the last few weeks. He has since started using his moist hide which was on the 2nd level shelf. I've made no changes to his cage prior to this behavior starting.

A few days ago, after seeing that he would continue to go in his moist hide, I rearranged his cage and moved the moist hide down to the bottom level in the hopes he would continue to go to the 2nd level shelf. He has instead continued to use the moist hide in it's new location.

I've now removed the moist hide temporarily just to see what he does in the next few days while I try to come up with a new strategy.

If it were a dry hide, I would not mind so much and just check regularly. But with the moist hide, I'm having to empty out the moss and clean it thoroughly each time he goes which is less than ideal.

I realize in the end, he may just be stubborn, but if anyone has any ideas on how to get him back to using the corner he started with, I'd greatly appreciate them.

If I can't get him to change, I'll probably end up switching to paper towels in his moist hide and learn to live with it.


New Member
I think you're on the right track, actually. Take the hide out of the cage for a few days (as long as he's not gonna shed soon) to try to get him to start pooping somewhere else. When he does that for a few days, put the hide back in the tank and hope for the best.

If that doesn't work, you could try leaving the hide out for longer, or make it harder to get into, depending on what you use. Some people that use tupperware with a hole cut in the side have problems with their leos spending too much time in the hide. To solve this, they usually cut a hole in the top of the hide instead, making it harder to get into. If the leo has a harder time getting in there, it will be less likely to use the hide unless it really feels it is necessary. Of course, you want to avoid the other extreme of your pet never using the hide.

Anyway, keep doing what you're doing for now, and good luck!

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
I actually had my breeder send me a wad of paper towels with some of Eros' poo in it to try and "litterbox" train him and it actually worked! I have a little box with some desert sand in it on top of his hot hide, just a tie box I cut in half and sized then wrapped in duct tape, cut out a little opening for him and he goes there alll the time with out fail. I always make sure to leve a little chicklet of poo in there to make sure he is drawn to it. Make sure if you're trying to change his ideas of where to potty, to sanatize the area you don't want him to go to remove all biological elements that may draw him back. Make him a little litterbox. Eros' isn't covered or anything, you can see it in pix in my photo album pix of his tank. Sometimes he goes in the box and just kicks the sand around but he uses it.


New Member
I can't really answer....I've tried to "litter" train before as well. I put paper towels where she would poop and then moved it to where I wanted her to poop..but I can't remember if it was successful or not lol I rearranged her tank since then so she changed her pooping area.

Also, side note, one of my geckos are pooping in their water...gah. what to do!


Western NY
Who cares where is goes to the bathroom. If he uses his hide just clean it? I guess I dont see the big deal.

If he goes on the shagnum moss in his moist hide, I have to change the moss and clean the hide every time as opposed to just picking up the paper towel where he used to go. I'm also going to end going through moss a lot faster if he continues to use the moist hide.

I thought this would be obvious but I hope you understand the reasons better now. Also, my post asked for suggestions not useless opinions.


New Member
Dansville, NY
Useless opinions, lol! Good luck! I figured it would be obvious that you could spot clean the geckos droppings, but I guess that would be to easy. Another suggestion, why dont you just use paper towel in their moist hides? Again these are just my useless opinions.

Northstar Herp

Rhacs and Uros, oh boy!!!
Plaistow, NH
Cleaning out the hide was my first thought too, I guess more than one of us have "useless opinions". That's exactly what I do, and it works, but I guess that's not what you want to hear.


Western NY
Spot cleaning shagnum moss is not so easy and I already stated I would switch to paper towels if he was going to be stubborn.

Maybe you can offer something that hasn't already been said.

Northstar Herp

Rhacs and Uros, oh boy!!!
Plaistow, NH
I did, man. I use sphagnum moss in my hides, AND I spot clean. I DO what you are asking about, and I find that it works. Aside from trying to "train" the leo to go somewhere else, it's the only other option. Try changing out all the moss once too. Maybe he'll go somewhere else after that. Mine change their poop spot pretty regularly when I clean the entire cage. Or, you could take out the humid hide altogether for a while, til they have established a new poop spot, then put it back it with fresh moss. That might work.


New Member
If he goes on the shagnum moss in his moist hide, I have to change the moss and clean the hide every time as opposed to just picking up the paper towel where he used to go. I'm also going to end going through moss a lot faster if he continues to use the moist hide.

I thought this would be obvious but I hope you understand the reasons better now. Also, my post asked for suggestions not useless opinions.

Actually, you don't need to clean out the hide each time your leo poops in it. Just remove the poop and urates and you'll be fine.

One of the beauties of sphagnum moss is that it is both antifungal and antimicrobial. Hence, the growth of mold and bacteria is greatly reduced in it. This is actually why sphagnum moss can be used as an environmentally friendly alternative to chlorine in swimming pools. Alternatively, moist paper towels can easily function as bacteria factories.

Still, pooping in there is probably annoying and I can understand that, so work on getting the leo to poop elsewhere, but if it doesn't work, you'll still be okay. The moss will be fine and not need cleaning as often as you think.
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Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
I'd honestly try the litterbox with the desert sand in it. Ero's LOVES his litterbox. Kind of like a little touch of the desert with out the fear of impaction. It's cute seeing all his little footie prints in the sand from him either playing in it or doing his business in it. Seriously tho they are drawn to potty areas by scent not sight or even habit so you will need to bait wherever you want him to go with poo and sanatize the area he was previously going to make him stop.


Uroplatus Fanatic
Buffalo, NY
Why not just use coco fiber? Easily spot cleaned and holds humidity well. Sometimes geckos crap in the humid hide, sometimes they don't. They're not trainable beyond a few basic behaviors(mostly associated with food) so you have to bend to the animal's way, not bend it to your own. Just use cocofiber, I've been using it for years and it's not the least bit difficult to spot clean.

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
Awww c'mon Ted even a stupid animal can be taught some basic things just by playing on natural instinct. I think litterbox training would be one of those things esp. since you have all the natural bait you need. It's not hard really. Give the tank a good scrubbing, redecorate it, add the litterbox with his poos and I bet you a dollar he uses it.

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