lol "Who can make me puke?"


New Member
felicia she get up to be schizophrenic. i wouldnt put her through anymore. but we tortured her as a kid LOL

Grinning Geckos

Tegan onboard.
John N said:
Hard boiled eggs with the chick inside, cow blood pudding in a rice soup, boiled bone marrow, it's the best thing ever! Those are the "nasty" foods I ate kinda regular basis before I became a vegetarian 4 or so months ago.

Ok, that really made me go "Yuck" ... but mostly I'm wondering why you'd go vegetarian! There are so many tasty animals out there!

Grinning Geckos

Tegan onboard.
gaparicio said:
We have another delicacy that we eat at least twice a year...

It's called "tacos de cabeza". My dad would bake a cow head in the oven for a few hours with the proper seasoning. Once done, he would set the head on the table for all of us to pick at the cheecks and eat the meat as tacos with onion, cilantro and salsa...yummmm:main_thumbsup:

You win ... anything with the head still attached is very disturbing to me.


Hmmm........I grew up eating calamari-(I got the job of cleaning them) pickled pigs feet-we once had spaghetti sauce made with chicken feet
All kinds of Italian cheeses made with sheep's milk-I don't really like any other types of cheese-LOL

I love pickled beets-pickled banana peppers-and one of my fav things to eat is rice with butter and grated Romano cheese on it
I put fresh lemon juice on my hash browns and A1 sauce on my eggs
I also love lemon and grated cheese in most soups
I love liver-never had it as a kid
peanut butter and banana sand is one of my favs

I guess that I am kinda tame compared to most of the posts on here




Deliriously Random
robin said:
i ate a goat turd when i was a kid. my cousin told me it was some kind of magical indian bean... she knew it was goat crap

Reminds me of "Almost Heroes" with the late (but great) Chris Farley and the hilarious Matthew Perry. One of the guys is telling a story about how he got his brother to eat sheep crap. How he mixed it into his pudding one day while they were out tending the sheep, then sat back and watched as he at the pudding.

But the clencher was that he didn't have a brother. He goes on to say:

"But I don't have a brother! I'm the one that ate sheep sh*t, it was me!"

Anyways.. too much TV has rotted my brain....


lmfao, ok from what I've read, this might even get a few looks from people in here!!

Yes I get the Eww look from my mother about sushi...mostly cause she's to chicken to try it...BUT...

While in Australia back in 96 as a student ambassador...yes, me representing this country I know it's a scary thought...I was of the opinion that I would try anything at all no matter how I felt about it. which led to a few experiences that were...interesting thing that I tried was clams...raw...straight out of the beach that they sat in...I nearly lost it on that one

I also tried something while on a "homestay" at a 10,000 acre cattle ranch...they apparently don't waste anything...while they were castrating the young male cattle, they would take the cut off testes and put them on the branding grill and cook them....YES I ATE IT.... LMAO

Well, I think that's the worst things I've ever eaten and I've even got a picture (not digital) of me with the raw clam in my mouth just before I choked it down LOL

SIDE NOTE....JOHN AND GREG YOU ARE 2 VERY SICK PERSONS (PERSONS replaced a word that's not allowed to be said in this forum LOL)
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