Mack Snow Ghost Lavender Stripe update..

Dragoon Gecko

Active Member
Some of you might remember this little baby from 2011.

Well, this little one sold actually pretty fast, and as it turned out to be a male I was allowed to take it back in my stock this season for breeding :).

He is now alround 50 grams and fully grown. I love how most of the ghosts show an intense green which is much more visible than in many emeralds.
Unfortunately the new owner had troubles with the temperature and kept him too cool, so he developed many black spots. But on the other hand you could say that this is as "ugly" as the babys from this project can get :main_thumbsup:.

It was the very first mack snow lavender stripe ghost ever hatched & I know from the experience I have made over the past years that some of the Ghosts turn to loose more of their lavender colour with age as normal macks due to the green colouration.

Therefore I am pretty pleased to see the amount of lavender colour he has kept into adulthood for being the first generation. As always, this is a work in progress and we will be working on improoving the colour during the coming years.
So I'm keeping the fingers crossed and looking forward to the next generation :main_thumbsup:..

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Dragoon Gecko

Active Member
How can you tell that it's a ghost?

You can tell right after hatch :). Ghost x normal will always give you genetically 50% ghost.

This is a normal lavender stripe:

Here a Ghost lavender stripe:

And MackSnow Ghost lavender stripe:

All are from same father and mother and all are from 2011 :).
Pictures were taken at the same age for better comparison.

You actually can see it as unexperienced breeder best in the macksnow-variation: Normal macks will hatch out black & white, wile Macksnow Ghost always hatch out with a dark brown/ dark maroon & white colouration.

Mack Snow Ghost Jungle as hatchling (a pure Mack Snow hatchling would be black & white here):

..and again siblings for comparison at same age:
Mack Snow Lavender Stripe

Mack Snow Ghost Lavender Stripe

As adults, true ghosts turn green and never develop a bright yellow as Hypos do. Very interesting is that Ghosts when crossed into other morphs seem to influence them- there are some posts about the crosses I have done so far besides the Mack Snow Jungle & Lavender Stripe, for example Ghost Albinos & Ghost Raptor.

Ghosts also show a great potential of expressing lavender colours, but as mentioned above lavender is a tricky colour to breed so until now not many geckos /lines do hold lavender into adulthood and progress takes years of hard work..

anyway hope this helps :main_thumbsup:
sorry for the long post.
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New Member
I love these!! I may be behind on the current leo trends but I've never heard of these or ghosts, but they're just amazing!!

Dragoon Gecko

Active Member
They are all very nice. Look forward to seeing them after a few more years in em...maybe hold lavender longer. Either way they are hot

I personally like the green on them- its a typical characteristica of the ghost trait. I love to see how they turned more and more light and intense with each generation. But maybe that's just me :main_thumbsup:..

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Dragoon Gecko

Active Member
I love these!! I may be behind on the current leo trends but I've never heard of these or ghosts, but they're just amazing!!

Actually, the Ghost is one of the older morphs alround. They originally popped up in the breeding stock of Alex Hue, and were available banded only for many years. Not many people worked with them, and so they soon became almost forgotten..

In 2007, the first Ghost Jungles appeared in Artlinksgeckos breeding stock from banded parents purchased directly from Alex Hue (picture copyright by artlinksgeckos).

And that was the moment they caught my attention ;).
Here is the founder pair of the gecko above. These 2 are also the founders of all Ghosts out of Artlinksgecko & Dragoon Gecko breeding stock (copyright by artlinksgeckos):
Male "Izidor"

Female "Dove"

I bought the parents and some of their offspring in 2007, and started to selectively breed them on lighter and more brilliant colours. Over the years we have found out many interesting things about this line, as for example the ghosts tend to change colours stronger than others depending on their current emotion or time of the day: The same gecko can be in the morning almost black, and bright and super light coloured in the evening or the next day. So, technically speaking you can have 1000 different colour shades in one gecko. This has always fascinating me. For me, they are the true chameleons in leopardgecko- morphs :).

Unfortunately, not many people are breeding ghosts on a high quality level today. Therefore my goal is to continue this work, and to enhold this in my eyes interesting and old time bloodline for future generations :)..



New Member
Ontario, Canada
Hey Rebecca
This is a very good thread, I like the info and background you are giving on this morph. I used to have a few Ghosts back whgen i first started breeding and i agree with you they sort of got forgotten because of all the new and exciting morphs that have come out over the years. Glad to see someone is using this morph still and doing an amazing job with it also. Maybe in the future i might be able to get ahold of a few from you.
Keep up the great work!!!!

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