Mack Snow Marketing/Prices/Copied From Fauna

Sally Salamander

New Member
Where is all the price protecting people out there who selectively sold to people - making them promise not to sell them for a discount? Alex? Chris?

Kelli - your animals rock. Those snowbells make me almost want to get back into leos. Very nice.


Bells Rule!
Sally Salamander said:
Where is all the price protecting people out there who selectively sold to people - making them promise not to sell them for a discount? Alex? Chris?

Kelli - your animals rock. Those snowbells make me almost want to get back into leos. Very nice.

Chris has been out of the picture for a while. :main_thumbsdown:

Sally Salamander

New Member
KelliH said:
I love you Sally. Where you been, Sugar? Ring my bell sometime.

Kelli, I've been very busy, trying to police the price points on Mack Snows - as a special operative for some breeders.

I'll give you a call soon. I've been "tied up" at home getting kids off to college...


New Member
Golden Gate Geckos said:
Well....... I guess I was 'dumb' enough to pay a LOT for my 1.1 Supers and free Co-dom, and have absolutely nothing to show for it as far as offspring. If it wasn't for a trade with Kelli, I wouldn't even have a Mack male! (Thanks, sis!)

Hey Marcia...what's this all about? I didn't see anything about you having trouble with them.

Kelli, That bell super snow kills me when I see it. I wish I had the time, money, and collection (and foresight) you have to let me make something like that.

Jeanne, Mack Daddy ROCKS :main_thumbsup:


preacherman said:
Thanks for the post Kelli.
My wife and I invested $1,200 in a beautiful pair of Mack Snows earlier this year. Unfortunately, the female never bred, so we didn't produce any Supers like we were hoping. But we did pair the male up with several Tremper Sunglows, and now we have a nice group of awesome little Mack Snows het for Tremper. I can't wait until next year!
Do I regret spending so much on a pair of Mack Snows? Absolutely not. What I do regret is not spending more than that on a pair last year.
As far as co-dom morphs are concerned, price drops are just part of the game. Last spring we spent $7,500 on a male Yellowbelly Ball Python. This year they are selling for $750.
I'm sure everyone who made a substantial investment into Mack Snows wishes that they were holding their price a little better. However, now that the prices have dropped substantially, they are more affordable. Which means that more people will be buying them. Which means that more people will have the joy of hatching them out for themselves. Which means that we will see even more amazing Mack Snow projects in the near future. Isn 't that why we're all in this? Because we love the animals and we love to see new morphs?To everyone out there who's working with Mack Snows, good luck! I can't wait to see what you produce next year.

I agree with this totally
I am still working on getting my first Mack-not for breeding at this time as
I still have some health issues that need to be resolved before I try again and put some of my Leos together to breed
It is frustrating because I really want to see some little ones
But patience on my part is needed right now and I love and enjoy everyone of my Geckos for the beautiful animals that they are
Prices drop on everything when the supply/demand ratio changes and to me it's impossible to be into animals just for the $"s
As was already stated-where does the money go that is brought in from the sales of babies??
Right back into food/new geckos/vet checks and medicine when needed

All I know is that my babies will always bring a smile to my face and they always make me feel better when I am having a really bad pain day and that cannot be put into any monetary value



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