Male not in the mood...


New Member
Canandaigua, NY
I bred these two leos(male/female), I watched and made sure they copulated. They did it twice in a row but each time was not a fantastic hook up but it looked like enough. Female laid 2 eggs on Thursday 3/4, last week, they are very much infertile looking(water ballon feeling, no bullseye, yellow while candling). This is her second year laying, she is proven. I fed the girl a pinkie mouse and she devoured a bunch of worms as well after laying.

I have tried putting the male in again just incase the first breeding was the problem and he just wont do it. This is what happens... I put him in with her, he sees her, does a tail shake, then wanders around ignoring her. I have tried multiple times, almost everyday since then. I gave him a pinkie mouse last night to see if that might inspire him, he devoured it. Shed last night as well. Put the two together and still nothing.

What else can I do to inspire him or does he just not want to tap that again?(lol sorry couldnt resist)

Is it just patience or am I fighting a loosing battle?
Try less often? He cant be tired this is the only female he has bred with...


New Member
Oregon, IL
I'd leave them together overnight. A lot of times when I've had males liek that, they'll mate when I'm not looking


New Member
Canandaigua, NY
Alright I can try that.

Maybe its this female, I had problems getting her to breed last year. I tried 3 different males, left them in there for days to a week at a time. Finally she laid a couple eggs and I am not 100% sure who the father was but pretty sure. I havent been leaving the males in for more than 30 minutes this year, but yeah I can definitely give that a try.

Maybe he will be more inspired under the light of the moon ;)


New Member
i always leave them male in til i see she is developing eggs. sometimes it just takes a while.

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