Males and Females Together?


Breeder of High End AFTs
Manassas, VA
It is not recommended you keep adult pairs together unless your goal is to breed. I never cool mine and they breed just fine.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Yes, if you keep them together they will breed. I keep my leopard gecko breeding groups together Jan-Oct, but keep my fattie groups together all year and they do breed without a cooling period.



Staff member
Somerville, MA
It's probably best to have housing that will allow you to separate them for at least part of the year. Logically, if you're going to have to house babies (and there's no guarantee you'll be able to sell the babies before they outgrow their initial 6 qt. shoebox-sized tubs) you should be able to use those enclosures to house the male(s) during the off-season. I keep most of my hatchlings in front-opening 20 gallon long tanks that I divide into 3 sections. At the end of the breeding season, I use a whole tank for my males having their "vacation" from the females, and also put older juvies who haven't sold yet in groups of 2-4 in the whole enclosure.

I keep 1.2 or 1.3 during breeding season in a 20 gallon long with an additional, heated 12"x12" upper level.

Tonight is "wedding" night! The males are going back in with the females.



New Member
It's probably best to have housing that will allow you to separate them for at least part of the year. Logically, if you're going to have to house babies (and there's no guarantee you'll be able to sell the babies before they outgrow their initial 6 qt. shoebox-sized tubs) you should be able to use those enclosures to house the male(s) during the off-season. I keep most of my hatchlings in front-opening 20 gallon long tanks that I divide into 3 sections. At the end of the breeding season, I use a whole tank for my males having their "vacation" from the females, and also put older juvies who haven't sold yet in groups of 2-4 in the whole enclosure.

I keep 1.2 or 1.3 during breeding season in a 20 gallon long with an additional, heated 12"x12" upper level.

Tonight is "wedding" night! The males are going back in with the females.


Thanks, very helpful. Two 15s is probably how I'll go for now. Maybe a 20 too if the price is right

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