Meaning of F1

Ian S.

Active Member
Golden Gate Geckos said:
The USA has sanctions against the importation of reptiles (and lots of other things) from countries sucjh as Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. since the first gulf war.
That is correct! and Gregg is also correct. As long as they are imported from nonsanctioned counties it's legal unless it is a protected species.
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New Member
Minneapolis, MN
By importing WCs from legal countries that imported them from the countries we have sanctions against, we would then be indirectly supporting the countries we have sanctions against. I understand its not technically illegal, but as far as I'm concerned, it's a deceptive way to circumvent the sanctions and/or laws. That is my opinion. now here's a couple questions: How long must an animal be in quarantine in a legal country before they ship it across the pond? Are there any special regulations regarding these types of imports?

Gregg M

Registered Member
The Rotten Apple NYC
godzillizard said:
now here's a couple questions: How long must an animal be in quarantine in a legal country before they ship it across the pond? Are there any special regulations regarding these types of imports?

There are no regulations like this in place for the simple reason that #1 it would be virtually impossible to verify captive or wild caught status. #2 Leopard geckos are not illegal to keep/own in this Country in any way, shape, or form. The only way an animal could be considered smuggled or illegal is if it were imported here from a Country we can not legally import from. A wild caught from Europe would be perfectly legal here no matter how long or short it was in the European Country.

So now my question is to anyone who has a WC subspecies in their collection. Would you say your animal was smuggled even though you got it from a Country where import from is 100% legal??? Didnt think so...

There is no circumventing going on. It is 100% legal being that the species is not protected or illegal to export from its Country of origin...

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