MONSTER EGG ~ the Sequel --The "Baked Potato" Egg


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
Chris, hate to burst your bubble but I snuck over to your house while you guys were out and replaced your gecko egg with a GATOR egg, watch your fingers,,,,,,,

Hahhahahahahaaaa ;0) LMAO

LIES ALL LIES! I'm only a "stone's throw" away and am very likely to be the person sneaking around your gecko room :main_evilgrin: (although the drive there is horrendous, I'm sure I'm not the first one you've heard say that!)

That's one massive egg for sure, can't wait to see what shoots out of that one :D
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Wild West Reptile

Leopards AFT Ball Pythons
San Jose, CA
I'm only a "stone's throw" away and am very likely to be the person sneaking around your gecko room :main_evilgrin:

That's one massive egg for sure, can't wait to see what shoots out of that one :D
There's something kind of creepy yet intriguing about someone sneaking around my gecko room! :main_evilgrin:

I'm going to say it's gonna be a leopard gecko! :main_thumbsup:


That's for you Jess.....;)


Luxurious Leopards
I would have to agree with matt. The reason these eggs do this is because the permeability of the shell is takign on more moisture and thus enlarging the egg. I have had this occur a dozen times over the year and they were all healthy happy, normal sized babies.

It does appear your geo has a ton of moisture in it, that is probably makign the egg larger. Eggs are basically ballons with a baby It is all a simple balance of humidity(hence water) and the temperature they are incubated at. Also I do notice there is often on egg our of the clutch that does it while the other doesnt. I think this is due to the large eggs shell not being as complete as the others,hence not enough calcium in the shell.

Just my 2 cents on the topic.

Wild West Reptile

Leopards AFT Ball Pythons
San Jose, CA
I agree as well Pat. I don't expect anything else besides a healthy baby gecko. I only posted it because I was about to throw the egg out from being dented for 10 days and then all of a sudden it popped out and grew like crazy.

I also agreed that Matt must have had a bunch of moisture in his cups for that many eggs to swell up. I have all my GEO's with exactly the same amount of water in them and this was the only one out of 6 in that cup that did it. Either way, I didn't post this to have a debate about why eggs swell, but simply to share a cool story about the dented egg that turned into a giant egg.

Designer Geckos

Boulder, CO
OMG Chris! We only got one baby out of our big egg, but it was a big baby! I'm hoping yours are twins. Keep us posted...are you incubating it for many days till hatch time? Lemme know when it hatches and best of luck!

Wild West Reptile

Leopards AFT Ball Pythons
San Jose, CA
OMG Chris! We only got one baby out of our big egg, but it was a big baby! I'm hoping yours are twins. Keep us posted...are you incubating it for many days till hatch time? Lemme know when it hatches and best of luck!

It has a little more than a week left. Yeah, it's for female.

Apparently this is very common according to a few posters, so I'm not going to be getting anything other than 1 regular sized gecko. I guess our hope for twins or a giant gecko is out the window. Oh well. ROFL!! Might as well delete this post and pretend it never happened. It's funny though that nobody brought that up when you had your "monster egg" thread going. It's a conspiracy I tell you!!! ;)

I'll send that picture over like we were talking about yesterday as well. Thanks Ray, I'll talk to you in a few days.


Matt K

New Member
near Flower Mound
I have to chime in since I've been mentioned a couple times...

I have used for years, a 32 oz deli cup with a couple inches of perlite, or vermiculite, or something similar with egg swelling only happening once ever. This method was used on a wide variety of reptiles that I have had. Then I picked up a few GEO's to try them out. In the GEOs and in my 'usual' cups this year I had unusual number of egg swelling. I like the organizers and will probably use them again next year and replace my other incubator cups with the GEOs to get better use of the space in the incubator. That being said though, moisture and temperature were alot more carefully monitored this year since last year they weren't and I came up with way too many males. So it leads me to believe maybe there is a dietary thing that causes eggs to be laid that are more succeptable to hyperosmoregulation, like too much of one of the vitamins, which I did use more liberally this year, but that's just a thought.

I was pretty sure my eggs were 'just right' moisture wise... maybe even bordering on getting dry-ish, but maybe I was mistaken. Eyesight isnt what it used to be afterall...

Wild West Reptile

Leopards AFT Ball Pythons
San Jose, CA
This thread is like 4 months old! Lol. Yeah, there's a little story with this egg that I will share....but not right now as I'm on the road looking for houses for sale. I'll post pics when I get home.


New Member
That's brilliant. I had one last year but I can't remember who's it was I will have to dig out my pictures and records to see who's it was and what they hatched like.


Wild West Reptile

Leopards AFT Ball Pythons
San Jose, CA
Ok, since this thread won't die, I'll tell the story of this monster egg. When I posted this, it seemed there was a lot of negative reaction towards it not going to be anything special. I only posted it as a joke because of the original "monster egg" thread that Ray of Designer Geckos had going got so much attention. Anyways, after the egg hatched, I all but forgot about this thread as I was knee deep in hatching out geckos. Sorry about the poor quality pictures, I was in a rush today…..

So the clutch mate hatched first….a beautiful boldstripe.

She weighed a normal 3.1 grams at hatch…..
Then a day later, the monster egg opened up and this little girl popped out….
I didn't notice right away, but she ended up being the ONLY Bandit that I hatched out! She was a little larger too…4.4 grams. Here she is….


So here's a picture of them today……


The first hatchling weighs in at 22 grams as of today and the "nothing special" monster egg Bandit weighs 39 grams as of today. Almost TWICE the size. So endeth the story…..
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