More fun at the ER


I'm baaaaaack!
I drove up from TX to WI on Thursday and as the trip progressed, my chest hurt more and more to the point where I could barely hold the wheel with my left hand. It had been aching on and off for the two weeks I was back in Texas, but nothing bad enough to be real concerned about. About five hours after getting to my mom's, the pain was bad enough I knew I had to get to the ER. I wasn't sure what was going on, and wondered if it was somehow linked to the sinus infection I've been getting over or the steroids the doctor had put me on while I was in Texas. I've never been put on steroids for sinusitis before, and given my sensitivity to medications I wanted to blame them.

Anyway, I still had a bit of a sore throat from the sinus infection and the doctor was far more concerned about that than the chest pain. I wouldn't have gone to the ER for a damn sore throat--I know I'm not going to die from that. He sent me home with more antibiotics. :main_rolleyes: The pain kept getting worse, and I couldn't lie down or sleep because of it, nor could I use my left arm whatsoever without excruciating pain in my chest. I couldn't even turn a doorknob with my left hand or bend over to pet my dogs. I ended up going back to the ER on the 4th in the afternoon and saw a different doctor who was much more concerned about the chest pain. He was really pissed that the TX doctor had put me (given my history) on those particular steroids for a damn sinus infection. He was also pissed that I had come in less than 24 hours previously with severe chest pain and they didn't even run an EKG. He was worried that I had either a blood clot in my chest or that I had peritinitis (?... whatever fluid on the heart is). They had me on IV pain meds, drew blood for a myriad of tests, ran an EKG, x-rays, CAT scan, and some other weird observatory-type tests (don't remember what they're all called, I think one might have been an ultrasound) and did something with markers to see if I had been having an on-going heart attack. Everything came back negative and he said my EKG looked really good and that I had no signs of heart disease or anything that suggested a heart problem/complication. He seemed a little baffled by it until he started asking me about my anxiety, stress, and how much of a neurotic freak I can be. He wrote it up as "chest wall pain," gave me some prescription pain meds, and then told me to calm the fuck down and learn how to relax.

I don't know how to do that. :eek:

Anyway, I have to follow up with another doctor on Monday, but fortunately the pain meds are making it tolerable enough that I can finally get some sleep.

After talking to both the doctor and my mom about things, as well as reflecting on the two weeks I was in Texas with "nothing" to do, I think it comes down to me being anxious and stir-crazy when I don't have enough on my plate to keep me uber-busy. Unfortunately, the new puppy is incredibly low-maintenance, so she's anything but a replacement for all the gecko work I used to have.

Sorry for rambling on. I had taken a nap earlier this evening and am wide-awake with nothing to do.

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Paul, I am very worried about you. I called, but just got your message machine. You said you were having surgery in a few weeks... why???

I'm sooooo glad you aren't having a heart attack, but you need to CALL ME!!!


Mod Squad Member
Oh Paul, glad all the tests were OK.........I'm hoping that your pain goes away. I wish I had more words of wisdom..............:( Just know I'm thinking about you.


I'm baaaaaack!
Marcia, the surgery was for something unrelated but I'm going to have to postpone it because of the pain meds they put me on. I'll try giving you a call later today if my cell phone is working. For some reason I rarely can make my cell phone work out here in the country unless it's late in the day.


New Member
Central California
I'm so glad it wasn't something heart-related again, Paul! That first ER doctor was a moron, though! Did you tell him that you've already had a heart attack?

Please take care!! ((hugs))


Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
Paul, in the wise words of my Niece and Nephew, you need to learn to "CHILAX". I'm glad to hear that it wasn't another Heart Attack, although it sounds just like one.

Please get some rest and take care of yourself!


I'm baaaaaack!
nwheat said:
Did you tell him that you've already had a heart attack?

Yes, I told him exactly what they told me at the ER in TX but when he called them to get my records, they had no record of me even being in that day. They have me on file for when I smashed up my finger and for when I cut my hand, but nothing about the heart attack. I haven't heard back from them yet, but something tells me they're not going to find it. It's not leaving us much to go on as far as trying to figure out what the heck is going on.

I have another doctor appointment tomorrow morning and I'm hoping that I'll finally be able to figure out what the hell is wrong with me. Worrying and obsessing about it just adds to the anxiety and frustration. :main_no:


New Member
Central California
I figured you would probably mention that little detail. I'm so sorry that everyone seems to be so completely inept - not making records of a heart attack?! I hope this recent visit was with someone competent and that they get everything figured out.

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