
New Member
New Jersey
A week ago, Dean, my bf got a rash and we didn't think anything of it. He winded up getting an abscess that required an emergency room visit. Turned out he's got MRSA, methicillin resistant staph aureus. They put him on strong antibiotics and had to drain the abscess. It had yet to clear up after 1 week and I begged him to follow up with his doctor before the meds were done. He did and now he's been referred to an infectious disease specialists. They are starting him on IV antibiotics today and switched his oral meds to a stronger type. He needs to bathe for the next 2 days wit ha surgical scrub to kill any bacteria on him body and wash the bedding and anything he has contact with. I feel like all I have done for the past week is clean like mad. I mean surgical type cleaning. I have bleached and alcohol wiped down everything. I am washing couch cushions and bath mats like mad. I have an appointment with my kid's pediatrician today to discuss what precautions I need to take with her. He is going to be out of work for at least 3 weeks until this infection is out of control. He had nasal swabs done to see if he is a carrier and we are waiting for those results. He is getting additional blood work and cultures done to see if something else is going on as to why he got this. This is just making me paranoid because I really don't wish my kid or me to get this. Hopefully he will respond to the meds and IV's. After this I am still going to have to practice some serious cleaning techniques for further prevention. I am amazed that out of the two of us that I wasn't the one that got it considering I work in a hospital setting. He is convinced I gave it to him. He wants me to get tested as a carrier too. If his nasal swabs come back negative, I need to get tested to. I have a pretty good immune system aside from my asthma and allergies. Hopefully all of this will come out for the best. Just pray the he responds to all this.


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
Oh, Jessica, I hope he gets well soon. MRSA is pretty prevalent down here right now. It used to be just affect old folks and those with a compromised immune system, but now it seems its everywhere.

We'll keep our fingers crossed for you guys that all turns out okay.


New Member
New Jersey
Thanks. He now has the IV in his arm and just got his blood drawn today. He's tired from it all. I'm just tired of cleaning and also going through potty training(round 2) with the kid. So far, she's doing pretty good. I just need to take her to the ped tonight and then go food shopping and clean the animals and then walk the dogs and feed everyone. Gotta work in the morning. Have a feeling I'm going to sleep well tonight. :main_yes:


MRSA is increasingly common in our area as well... scary stuff. I don't know how I've avoided it so far, given that I am in direct physical contact with tens of thousands of people every single day...


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
It's really been going around here too. We'll be keeping him in our thoughts. I work at several elementary schools so I'm constantly carrying things home to Keith, staph being one of them last year. Luckily it wasn't MRSA and responded to heavy antibiotics. One of our friends got MRSA in the hospital and they ended up performing several surgeries on his hand and finally got it under control. We wish your boyfriend the speediest recovery possible and hope that no one else around you gets it!


New Member
New Jersey
Thanks everyone. It means alot to me. I am just so tired of cleaning. I actually ran out of bleach and detergent today because of the cleaning spree I went on today. Of course now my daughter broke out with a wicked diaper rash that now is being treated with 2 special creams because he doesn't want to take a chance of her getting it. Hopefully she won't get it. I just want this over.

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