My 75 Gallon Leopard Gecko Habitat


He will gain more confidence with age and size. However, I prefer the light and shade method for Leo's. This is the benefit of longer enclosure verses height and width. Is the long tube across the entire enclosure necessary for the plants? I've always used fake plants.:confused:

Yeah plants need light, but I'm pondering on switching my Desert T5 bulb over to a Shadedweller bulb which would be a bit dimmer and maybe help encourage him to wander a bit. Not sure really he's a bit quirky, he's not scared of me, Lets me pick him up though does seem to prefer I not do that but he doesn't really try to run or anything. So I don't really think he's scared of being eaten or anything along those lines.

But yeah, he still just does not come out during the day at all. Honestly I'm not even entirely sure where he's hanging out at these days.. He's no longer digging down the glass he's found some new nook and cranny it seems that he's chillin in. Which I'm starting to believe might be a bit moist either that or he has two hiding spots cause I haven't figured out where he's shedding either.. He'll be cloudy one day, vanish for a day, Then comes out all looking pretty again. /shrugs/ Sheds good though, never seen anything left behind. I figure he just has enough rock and such to rub up on if need be.

Actually haven't seen him today and he was a little cloudy yesterday so figure he's in his spot. Where ever that is, I keep thinking about taking off the top rocks and finding him but I imagine he'd rather me not lift the top off his house so I haven't.

But yeah he basks only at night, eats at night, I really only see him for about 2 hours a day when he's out. Mildly annoying really my previous gecko was out all the time, anytime of day now and then he'd get up wander around a bit and explore this guy though he's just funky about things that I just find unusual. Might just be he is still pretty young. But I'm starting to think he's just quirky, maybe he's a vampire or something and the night time is the right time who knows. lol

Since he basically refuses to bask during the day, I've really been pondering swapping over to a deep heat lamp to try to get the rock temp up a bit higher. Though he's still eating and going to poo rock, figure he might appreciate it. Or he'll just sit in one of his 4 caves and just not care. But either way can't hurt, plus I kind of want to swap t5 fixtures for a second time, recently moved my T5 + Halogen setup over to that tank thought was maybe that'd let the rock retain heat longer, but doesn't really seem to be the case. Rock still is dropping down to like 77 or there about at night. Which seems to be the only time he basks on his rock. Which doesn't seem warm enough.

Not real sure what I'm doing quite yet, all I know is I'm plotting some new light and heat setup for him to hopefully maybe encourage him to come out a bit more. He's grown quite a bit though. No longer the lil baby he was. Kinda forgot how quick lizards grow up.
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Yeah plants need light, but I'm pondering on switching my Desert T5 bulb over to a Shadedweller bulb which would be a bit dimmer and maybe help encourage him to wander a bit. Not sure really he's a bit quirky, he's not scared of me, Lets me pick him up though does seem to prefer I not do that but he doesn't really try to run or anything. So I don't really think he's scared of being eaten or anything along those lines.

But yeah, he still just does not come out during the day at all. Honestly I'm not even entirely sure where he's hanging out at these days.. He's no longer digging down the glass he's found some new nook and cranny it seems that he's chillin in. Which I'm starting to believe might be a bit moist either that or he has two hiding spots cause I haven't figured out where he's shedding either.. He'll be cloudy one day, vanish for a day, Then comes out all looking pretty again. /shrugs/ Sheds good though, never seen anything left behind. I figure he just has enough rock and such to rub up on if need be.

Actually haven't seen him today and he was a little cloudy yesterday so figure he's in his spot. Where ever that is, I keep thinking about taking off the top rocks and finding him but I imagine he'd rather me not lift the top off his house so I haven't.

But yeah he basks only at night, eats at night, I really only see him for about 2 hours a day when he's out. Mildly annoying really my previous gecko was out all the time, anytime of day now and then he'd get up wander around a bit and explore this guy though he's just funky about things that I just find unusual. Might just be he is still pretty young. But I'm starting to think he's just quirky, maybe he's a vampire or something and the night time is the right time who knows. lol

Since he basically refuses to bask during the day, I've really been pondering swapping over to a deep heat lamp to try to get the rock temp up a bit higher. Though he's still eating and going to poo rock, figure he might appreciate it. Or he'll just sit in one of his 4 caves and just not care. But either way can't hurt, plus I kind of want to swap t5 fixtures for a second time, recently moved my T5 + Halogen setup over to that tank thought was maybe that'd let the rock retain heat longer, but doesn't really seem to be the case. Rock still is dropping down to like 77 or there about at night. Which seems to be the only time he basks on his rock. Which doesn't seem warm enough.

Not real sure what I'm doing quite yet, all I know is I'm plotting some new light and heat setup for him to hopefully maybe encourage him to come out a bit more. He's grown quite a bit though. No longer the lil baby he was. Kinda forgot how quick lizards grow up.
If you switch to shadedweller, please take pictures. Deep heat projector sounds like a good idea. I would definitely try it is I was still keeping reptiles. The UVB bulb in my opinion is good enough for providing a day and night cycle.

I would not as you stated lift the top of his house! We want him to feel safe right ;). It will defeat the purpose of feeling secure. I think with time you will see changes in behavior such as being out and a out.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
It doesn't surprise me at all that a nocturnal gecko doesn't bask during the day. I have a good number of leopard geckos (22) and they range from in the hides nearly all the time to out of the hides nearly all the time.



Some fully bask under light, others do cryptic basking(expose body parts). I've always wondered if it was due to the storage amount of D3 in the body or a difference in housing? See I provided both warm ground and air so I ruled out the gecko just looking for heat. Maybe one day more studies will be done and we will have answers.


If you switch to shadedweller, please take pictures. Deep heat projector sounds like a good idea. I would definitely try it is I was still keeping reptiles. The UVB bulb in my opinion is good enough for providing a day and night cycle.

I would not as you stated lift the top of his house! We want him to feel safe right ;). It will defeat the purpose of feeling secure. I think with time you will see changes in behavior such as being out and a out.
Will do, I'm still plotting his new terrarium which I think is going to end up being 30x30x24. But will likely swap out bulbs before then when I move to the dimming / proportional thermostat and the deep heat bulb.

Also, the plan is to try and go more native habitat with the plants. Which could be tricky... Nothing else I think I'm going to move the fern to a crested gecko habitat I'm plotting, cause though I'm keeping the sort of "we need a bit more moisture plants alive", they're not really thriving just kind of staying alive.

It doesn't surprise me at all that a nocturnal gecko doesn't bask during the day. I have a good number of leopard geckos (22) and they range from in the hides nearly all the time to out of the hides nearly all the time.


Yeah I think part of me is just use to the only one I've owned who was far more active than mine who more comes out to eat then goes to chill on his sleepy rock, then over to poop rock then back to the sleepy rock then into his hide when the sun comes out. Least when I don't go pester him and pick him up for a bit.

Some fully bask under light, others do cryptic basking(expose body parts). I've always wondered if it was due to the storage amount of D3 in the body or a difference in housing? See I provided both warm ground and air so I ruled out the gecko just looking for heat. Maybe one day more studies will be done and we will have answers.

Thats what we're all doing in the hobby on some level, Research we just need more people actually writing it all down and not filling the internet with hearsay and the like.

Guess in the end he seems healthy, and that is the most important thing. But if I could get him moving around a bit more it'd make me a bit happier. So if upgrading a few things does that then woohoo, and if not, well least he'll have good heating and a less bright (i think) sun shining down on him. Will get some comparison shots of the Desert bulb compared to the Shade bulb. Think I also have a Reptisun 10UVB bulb as well I'll add to the comparison though I've never used it. They shipped the wrong bulb then told me not to bother returning it so was like sweet free bulbs. Now I just have to get like a Uromastyx to use the bulbs with lol


Just an updated picture of spot hanging out by his food dish.


  • Spot - 9-14-22.jpg
    Spot - 9-14-22.jpg
    886.5 KB · Views: 2


Spot has definitely grown! He's like, "feed me please!" They will eat to morbidity if allowed
He's actually pretty good about it. When I took that he ate 4 small crickets and 3 meal worms then was done and wandered down to the water dish for a second before hanging in his cooler hide. He does know though if he goes there, I'll give him worms usually he'll go and lay there and be like where's my worms... Then when I wander over, he'll come up to the glass and watch me capture the worms or crickets.


Is it possible that the light bulb is to bright?
Well it's just a Reptisun Desert 5 uvb bulb. Nothing too overly bright really but I am plotting to swap to an arcadia shade dweller bulb. When I do the plan is to get a comparison shot of the Reptisun 10uvb bulb, Desert 5 and Arcadia's Shade Dweller Bulb.

I think Spots just doing his own thing. I believe currently he's pseudo brumating or something. Had me worried he vanished for a few days, so I did finally take the top off his rocks and dug around a bit to make sure the little bum was alive, eventually he crawled out of some hole he dug. Oddly he didn't seem annoyed that I pestered him was just like of like whats up? Walked over to me licked me then just kind of stood there like what do you want? So I picked him up for a bit, put him back down then he went back to his hole. Came out for that one picture and some crickets, then last night he didn't bother to come out of the hole again. So guess he's sleeping.

Btw that's an awesome setup.
Thanks, I'm plotting on moving him sometime in the near future to a 30x30x24 custom setup with a front opening door rather than the top. Going to try a slightly different soil setup and rather than this soft ground it has currently press it so well its a bit more firm. Also swapping out some plants cause though I'm keeping them alive they're just not really thriving due to my attempts to keep humidity down and the like. All that in due time though.


hopefully maybe encourage him to come out a bit more.
By being predictable? I didn’t want to pry too much but at the same time I want to help you if I can. You’re feeding him out of a dish, therefore very little if any psychological stimulation. There is no enrichment in that. Food to him may feel scarce if fed say every other day on schedule. How can you get around the substrate risk? The only solution I came up with was to put substrate in sterilite tub(benefit of large enclosure) which I would put a lid over on feeding days instead of the entire enclosure. I would place(right before lights out) a surprise insect say a hornworm or silkworm in one of their hide areas allowing them to find it. Very quietly so they won’t hear you.

I strongly do not recommend just putting the insects on the substrate. I have a feeling you’re more creative and can figure out a better way:)


Active Member
I use an arcadia shade dweller bulb. They seem pretty good. Spots seems to have a lot of personality.


By being predictable? I didn’t want to pry too much but at the same time I want to help you if I can. You’re feeding him out of a dish, therefore very little if any psychological stimulation. There is no enrichment in that. Food to him may feel scarce if fed say every other day on schedule. How can you get around the substrate risk? The only solution I came up with was to put substrate in sterilite tub(benefit of large enclosure) which I would put a lid over on feeding days instead of the entire enclosure. I would place(right before lights out) a surprise insect say a hornworm or silkworm in one of their hide areas allowing them to find it. Very quietly so they won’t hear you.

I strongly do not recommend just putting the insects on the substrate. I have a feeling you’re more creative and can figure out a better way:)

I have a tub with some reptile carpet that I put him in every so often to let him run around and chase bugs. Just not every day. He just knows if he goes to the dish I'll either take him out or feed him with some tweezers. Eventually my thoughts to make a sort of play pin where Its easily cleaned and I can toss whatever lizard i'm feeding in there so they can run around and chase whatever bug that happens to be in there. Then just rinse it out between uses.

But yeah issue with the substrate is any bug I put in there currently just digs so that doesn't really work all that well. Or in the case of crickets they run under whatever plant they're close to. I would go the hornworm route but all the ones I see locally are far too large for him right now. Second issue is any bug I do put in there generally eats on the plants.. I've lost one due to a cricket that got loose and went to town on it one night. Does appear that Spot eventually caught him because I haven't heard the stupid cricket in a while.

I use an arcadia shade dweller bulb. They seem pretty good. Spots seems to have a lot of personality.

Sadly no local shops here sell anything from arcadia. Not much option far as things go local, Exo Terra and Zoomed is really about the only two brands I see. Now and then something from Zilla. So I'll likely have to order something. Amazon does sell the shadebulbs but only with a ballast which I don't need. I have two I'm not using... I'm covered there, just want some new bulbs. Not sure how much difference there will be brightness wise between the Reptisun bulb and the Arcadia but am curious to find out if nothing else.


I had to order them on line myself unfortunately. Things may be different nowadays though.

Does appear that Spot eventually caught him because I haven't heard the stupid cricket in a while.
Love it! That’s how you do it Spot


Active Member
I just did a quick online search and Arcadia don't do direct sales. You should be able to buy just the bulb without the fitting. I think Amazon sell them.


I just did a quick online search and Arcadia don't do direct sales. You should be able to buy just the bulb without the fitting. I think Amazon sell them.
I had to order them on line myself unfortunately. Things may be different nowadays though.

Does appear that Spot eventually caught him because I haven't heard the stupid cricket in a while.
Love it! That’s how you do it Spot

After some research found why I can't find the shade dweller in the size my fixtures are. Darn thing doesn't exist lol. But that's ok I can swap to the D3 Forest that'll do the trick. Though after thinking further since the new habitat is going to be 30x30x24(or taller depending....) I'm going need new fixtures in the first place. My 34 isn't really going to fit over top of a 30x30 tank all that well in the first place. Hadn't really thought about that. So whole new setup it sounds is going to be the idea.

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