My Enigma


New Member
Hi everybody,
I have to admit that the only thing I know about the Enigma Leopard Geckos is what I have read posted by Kelli. My first introduction to them was over on Fauna when she first posted about them. I really don’t remember too much about them then. I am guessing at one time there were pictures to accompany the posts instead of the red X’s that are there now but since the split those pictures are long gone. LOL What picture I have seen are the ones that are still posted here. They have always been of what looks like an old style High Yellow but with red eyes. I thought they were cool but they didn’t knock my socks off or anything.

This year when I was doing the National Reptile Breeders Expo Paul Allen came by my table. In conversation he asked me if I had seen the Enigmas over at the Mark Bell’s table. I admitted I hadn’t. Later on I went over to Paul’s table to visit with him and once again he asked if I had seen them yet. Since the Bells table was right near him he told me that I should probably make a trip over there to check them out. When I got over there they had about ten of what they were calling the Enigma on display. The looked nothing like the ones that Kelli had posted here on the forum. First of all they didn’t have red eyes, and they were kind of ghost looking if that makes any sense. I had already been away from my table a long time so I decided I would come back later on to ask questions and try to figure out what the deal was with them. Well I didn’t get back until Sunday afternoon and Mark had already left the show to attend his wife Kim’s brothers funeral. No one that was left at the table knew much about them. Since no one could tell me anything about them and the fact that I had just spent my allotted Reptile purchase money on a killer Spider Ball Python I figured I would wait until I got back home and arrange a purchase then.

To make a long story shorter, it is very hard to get in touch with Mark. When I finally got to talk to him he really didn’t want to sell any of them over the phone and didn’t want to talk about them either. He said they would be available at the Chicago show. The problem was I wasn’t doing the Chicago show this year. I was persistent and finally got to talk to Kim. Since we have many mutual friends I was able to convince her to sell me one. I told her I had already seen them and since they were only selling Females I just asked her to pick out a nice healthy one. She told me that to produce the other phase of them I would need a Bell Albino Male. I told her to add one to the price. $1600.00 later, here is my Enigma.




These first three pictures show the body, tail and head but unfortunately don’t really show the ghost like appearance of the head. It has darkness in the shading that doesn’t photograph. It is really something that needs to be seen in person to really appreciate. I know that almost sounds like a cliché these days but with this morph it really is true.

The next picture shows the incredible eye color of this form. What an incredible color it is. I guess the original post over on Fauna had pictures of the eyes but I don’t remember ever seeing them. That would have definitely impressed me. LOL


So now, what is the deal with these guys? I have no idea if there is a super of them, if the Albino is the Super, will they cross into other morphs? Kelli any thing you can add would be much appreciated. LOL If anybody else has any information on them please let’s hear it.

Well thanks in advance and I hope you enjoy the pictures.

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
I had the honor of visiting Kelli a few weeks ago and got to see the Enigma's first hand. They are rather eerie looking, yet so intruguing! The only thing I know to compare the red eyes of the Enigma to would be the Goniosaurus sp.

I hope you reputable and ethical breeders will be able to understand the genetics behind these unique and beautiful creatures before the 'mad dash' to capitalize on a new morph... especially "if" it is an ocular albino species!

Very cool, Albey!

Ian S.

Active Member
Great pics what a cynical looking gecko!
If I'm not mistaken doesn't ocular albinism only show in the eyes.
I'm not sure that would explain such crazy color / pattern.
The fact that it acts like a dominant trait really makes me wonder if it's compatible with other morphs.
What an exciting project congrats on the pic up!
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New Member
Marseilles, IL
Beautiful gecko

I got to see a whole bunch of these at the chicago show and they were pretty awesome. I would like to get one but they are a little pricy. I will wait til' they go down some. Good luck and congrats on the new geckos.:main_angry: ;)


Wow that gecko is something else. Love the eyes. A bit pricey in my book, but I'm sure they will prove out to be the next big things. After all it is much nicer than a normal mack snow. But like the mack there genetics unlocked a whole new book of leos


Leo Addict
Las Vegas NV
Very nice Albey, hearing that part about the Bell to make more is new to me and rather odd. Probably just the fact that it orginates from thier Bells with many being gene carriers, beats me! I believe in Kelli's previous post she showed the ghost/hypo like hets (like your female) and the Super form which had the RED eyes.
I really like the look of those "hets"


Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
Wow! Albey, she is gorgeous! You are very lucky to be able to work with such a great new project! I am jealous to say the least.

Select Gex

New Member
Boston, MA
My favorite part is the body pattern and patternless tail. Amazing! Paul keeps telling me what an amazing facility you have, maybe i'll have to invest in a tour one day! :p

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