Awsome Cant wait until my mack project starts up! Your bell line is always so nice to you :main_thumbsup:
BTW, the female I bought from you just laid two more eggs this morning :main_thumbsup: Im following your advice and sticking with a constant temp of 83-84. Ill let you know the colors of the babies when they hatch out in a PM. The other two are still incubating, I think one died though The humidity is high but one caved in, and when I candle it it glows yellow now. It did have a bullseye though. However the other one still glows like a red christmas light. These new ones Ill check in a few weeks.
Thanks for the kind comments everyone! I keep checking on this guy every few to make sure he's still there Looks like we also just hatched out another banded snake-eyed "raptor". I'll try to get a picture soon.
Congrats Paul! Send some of that luck over here will ya lol. My first 2 hatchlings from my Mack Snow het Bell x Tang Bell females were normal 100% hets. Oh well there's still lots of eggs to look forward to.
Take care,