My fish tanks - Not sure I ever shared these


New Member
Canandaigua, NY
Taken a few months ago? Not sure I ever shared these put the tanks look somewhat like these pics.

90 Gallon:
Contains 4 XL/Large Marble Veilteil Angelfish (3.1), 3 Opaline Gouramis (0.3), 2 red bushy nose plecos (1.1?), 1 Medium Clown Loach (the smaller one in photos died of unknown causes)





29 Gallon:
1.1 German Rams, 2 Paleatus (spotted) Corys (2.0?), Nerite Snail, Siamese Flying Fox, 0.1 Marble/Black Sail fin Molly, recently added 1.2 Various Platys

10 Gallon:
1.2 Sunset? Tuxedo Platys, Nerite Snail, recently added 1.0 Blue Fin Killifish, recently added 3 Gold Tetras



New Member
Battle Ground, Wa
Nice tanks, but you might want to either get a few more clowns or get rid of the one you have. Clown loaches do MUCH better in schools and they also prefer warmer temps than the Angels normally do.


New Member
palmetto FL
Agreed, clowns do much much better in schools. Watch the opalines, they are very aggressive as they mature and ive seen plenty of posts where they killed off angles and other gourami. The tanks do look great though. Also, cory, schooling fish need 5+ of the same species.


New Member
Canandaigua, NY
Oh and my clown loach is happy and doing well. He is always out swimming with the other fish (angels and gouramis), nicely colored without a care in the world. I did actually buy a couple small ones the other day to school with and he mostly ignores them.

People need to keep in mind that there is not always an exact way that fish must be kept. Many fish will adapt and there is often more than one way to do things.

My corys at feeding time will swim up to the top and feed on their side or upside down. They adapted to eating the freeze dried bloodworms that many times dont make it to the bottom. (this is not the only thing I feed its just an example) To say they are strictly bottom feeders is completely untrue of the corys in my aquarium. lol

Oh and I know clown loaches get big, that is why I stopped myself at 3 rather than get 4.


New Member
palmetto FL
And you should keep in mind that if something seems amiss, it will be pointed out. Nobody was trying to offend you, but its no different then when someone posts a pic of their leo living on sand with a heat lamp, things get pointed out. Cory are schooling fish regardless.
Opaline and angle are aggressive as they age, opaline can be very very volatile.

Just making sure you were aware ahead of time.

As i said before, the tanks are beautiful, the decor is great, far better then most of mine.


I <3 Mu Mu!!
What boyfriends? And about the cories swimming upsidedown and eating I used to have 2 plecos that used to do that... I miss them. My cory is getting used to me( had 2 but one died the night I got it and this one is doing really well). I know they are schooling so I plan on getting more( and all of my other fishies aside from my pleco).


Wonder Reptiles
She has two male bristlenose plecos that look like good friends.
They look like theyre 'snuggling' in two different pictures :)


New Member
Canandaigua, NY
I thought the bushy nose were a male female pair but who knows... :)
In those pics they were "fighting" or maybe it was courtship? IDK I only saw them act that way once so they either worked it out or fell outta love :(

Yeah I know Im sorry I got a little offended it tends to be really annoying when people point out things you already know. Although I did not know that Opalines got as aggressive as to kill angelfish. That is crazy! They only "makeout" with their own species at this point but I will keep an eye on them.

Also I do not agree with the temp thing about clown loaches. I keep the 90 gallon at around 76-78, so slightly cooler than 78 and have no problems. I always thought the reason people kept clown loaches warmer was to prevent ick/fight ick infections. I dont have issues with ick so the warmer temps seem unnecessary to me. If I ever get around to trading in my small pile of Stealth heaters I will add another heater to the 90 and warm it up a couple degrees.

I started with 6 corys in the 90. Then I separated them, 3 in the 90 and 3 in the 29. The ones in the 90 disappeared one after another. And I lost one out of the 29. This happened over a 3 year period so those 2 are just what I have left. I tried getting more of the same kind a few times but every time I go to the pet store they dont have them.

Oh and I did pick up 3 more gold tetras, all they had left. School of 6 :)
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New Member
Battle Ground, Wa
I was not trying to get on you I was really trying to help. I love loaches and have done endless research on them. Clowns are very misunderstood by the majority of people and very very many have died due to places like Pet Smart that say they need a minimum of a 20 gallon tank and that they are fine alone.

There is some great information on all loaches at There are a couple people there that are the goto people of Clown loaches and have written many books and articles on them. All information I have seen says 78 is at the bottom end of Clowns preference. Clowns prefer a bit of water movement where Angels don't seem to care for it. Again, I am not getting on you if your Clown is doing ok that is great.
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New Member
Canandaigua, NY
I am caving and planning to get another heater. The 90 gallon is actually a little cooler than I thought >_<

I agree, many pet stores give bad advice about fish and even stores that do give good advice the customers will many times ignore it. Like keeping an Oscar in a 20 or 30 gallon aquarium, that's just insanity!

Thank you for the link. I will be sure to take a look sometime. I love loaches too. I used to keep kuhli loaches. They are so awesome if you can manage to create a set up that they are happy in :)

Fish were my first pet passion. I worked full time at a privately owned pet store for two years where you actually had to know more than just how to read a sign (since all that we had were fish names and prices on the aquariums). I was a go to person when people had questions about fish and cleaned/maintained 75% of the aquariums in the store (planted, salt, fresh). Although I have lost a lot of my knowledge due to lack of use. I do miss talking about fish...

And I write too much :eek:


New Member
palmetto FL
Fish keeping will forever be my original passion, and, its getting me into college and through highschool soooooo :D. Working the school fish farm, hard work but a great experience.


New Member
Canandaigua, NY
I caught the gecko bug >_<

That sounds soo exciting!!! I saw the pics of the fish farm, really great stuff. My school never had anything that cool.

So are you going into Ichthyology? Where are you planning to go to college?


Wonder Reptiles
Oh those are two boys!

And in my experience, clown loaches can tolerate cooler temps. They are more prone to ich, and grow a lot slower - but they can tolerate it for years.


New Member
Canandaigua, NY
Thanks for clearing that up Katie :)

haha nice pic! I love Hill Stream Loaches, so many people get confused and think they are algae eaters... They remind me of little sting rays but not.


New Member
palmetto FL
I just wish they didnt have such demanding needs. I wouldnt keep one in less then a suped up 20gal. You need a heavy current flow, low lighting, river bed rocks/shale for them to hangout on and some alage, plants, shrimp and catfish tabs to munch on.

As far as what im going into. Who knows.

I could do Zoology
marine sciences
Marine vet and work over at the Clearwater wildlife rehab center, also the place where winter the dolphin, from the movie Dolphin Tails, was found.
Just a Vet
Exotics keeper
i could have a big exotic adoption/rescue and travel the country with animals educating the general public.... XD
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New Member
Canandaigua, NY
Yeah the demanding care is a drawback.

Oh yeah forgot your 16. You have plenty of time to figure that out. Though I say forget about being a regular old vet, sticking thermometers up cat and dog behinds all day and telling people they have to put their critter down, etc. I think it sounds like a horrible job IMO... lol
Exotics vet might be Ok, but the money is in birds

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